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2015 / 03
The first part was delivered separately to bachelors and masters/MBAs. 46 foreign students from 27 schools overseas participated in the bachelors’ session with their SEM buddies. With the help of our...
2015 / 01
Dean QIAN Yingyi addressed to TIEMBA Class 2015 graduates. He congratulated them on their academic achievements made in the past 18 months and thanked the relatives for their selfless support and enco...
2015 / 01
After that, Professor QIAN Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua SEM, introduced situation of the School by first appreciating participation of the alumni from various geographic locations and programs. According ...
2015 / 01
Tsinghua SEM’s efforts and achievements in management education reform and innovation have earned international acclaim and students’ recognition. Dominic Barton, Global Managing Director of McKinse...
2014 / 12
On December 3, 2014, Professor Myron Scholes, the Nobel Laureate in Economics in 1997 and the Frank E. Buck Professor of Finance, Emeritus, at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business deliv...
2014 / 12
Ms. Li Jianqing took the podium first. She said that P&G is an internationalized and open-style company, which turns out to be an indispensable partner of our daily life. It is due to the close collab...
2014 / 12
Another student from the team presenting on Mandatory Medical Student Program to Improve Healthcare of Rural Elderly (迟暮朝阳帮扶计划) shared his experience: “Every single step of our project was dr...
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