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2012 / 10
Back in 2009, BT and Tsinghua SEM signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to begin strategic cooperation in collaborative research and student development, which has established a strong platform f...
2012 / 09
On August 31, the program held the opening ceremony in Tsinghua SEM. Mr. XUE Lei, Director of Executive Education of Tsinghua SEM, and Ms. XIE Qihong, Associate Director of Executive Education attende...
2012 / 09
Dr. Aumann regarded last year’s training program as quite valuable and beneficial for BMW. China’s boosting economy and its enormous consumer base both contribute to its growing role in BMW’s globa...
2012 / 09
From September 10-14, 2012, Executive Education of Tsinghua SEM held the second “Malaysia Advanced Finance Training Program”. This program is organized by International Programs, cooperating with Ma...
2012 / 09
In addition to his position at MIT, Professor Merton is Professor Emeritus at Harvard University and Resident Scientist and Member of the Investment Policy Committee at Dimensional Fund Advisors. At D...
2012 / 09
As examples, Dean QIAN cited new courses and new instructional means. SEM has just introduced a brand new course to its EMBA curriculum named Exploring Frontiers at Tsinghua. The course consists of on...
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