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2012 / 08
Dean QIAN set the theme of his speech as “the usefulness of useless knowledge,” citing the title of the classical 1939 article by Abraham Flexner, the founder of the Institute for Advanced Study in ...
2012 / 08
MIT recruited 7 senior faculty to teach the Tsinghua group, including one former dean and three former associate deans. Topics involve U.S. politics and policy, legal issues of doing business in the U...
2012 / 08
All 54 participants of SEPC 2012 hold executive positions in their companies. They come from China, the United States, France, Brazil and etc, working in the fields of energy, food and beverage, elect...
2012 / 08
Guo Jiao, executive president of Mycos, said the group surveyed more than 250,000 grads from over 200 universities, discovering that 70 percent of respondents had nailed down post-graduation jobs in J...
2012 / 08
On June 28, 2012, Professor CHEN Jining, President of Tsinghua University signed a resolution announcing that according to the University Council Meeting, QIAN Yingyi was appointed as Dean of SEM, and...
2012 / 08
The module comprises elective subjects. Each participant selects 4 subjects out of the 18 offered in accordance to his/her individual interests. The more popular subjects were Blue Ocean Strategy, Psy...
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