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"China's Top MBA Program Information Session" held in Shanghai and Beijing


Ms. Pearl Mao, the Executive Director of Tsinghua MBA Programs was invited to attend “China’s Top MBA Program Information Session” held inShanghaiandBeijingon Oct. 20th and Oct.21st. The events were hosted by Chinese Professional Network (CPN), a premier professional network inChina. MBA directors from CEIBS and CKGSB also attended both information sessions. More than 100 prospective candidates visited the information session in each city.

The information sessions aimed to present the top Chinese MBA programs to local prospective candidates. The event was comprised of panel discussion, school presentation and a Q&A. Ms. Mao mainly talked about how the excellent local MBA programs can not only provide solid and local-rooted business training to meet the educational need of China’s potential business leaders but also build up global vision in highly international programs. Tsinghua’s International MBA Program stands out as a successful program which blends the richness and variety ofChinaand the west. Ms. Mao also answered prospective candidates’ questions regarding admission, curriculum, student body, career development, student life, employment and alumni of Tsinghua MBA programs. Current students James Wemyss and Sherring Shi also attended and shared their Tsinghua MBA experience with the audience.

(From MBA Center)