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2010 / 06
33 business leaders from home and abroad joined the 2012 Tsinghua INSEAD EMBA Program (TIEMBA Program), starting their eighteen-month education at SEM. The participants come from sixteen countries. Th...
2010 / 06
A special four-day program on macro economic and financial analysis was offered at Tsinghua SEM for 55 department and bureau level cadres as part of an “elective study plan” of the Organizational De...
2010 / 06
The three-dayAsian Historical Economics Conference 2010 was held at the SEM, hosted by the Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE), co-organized by the University of Warwick, Hitotsubashi Univers...
2010 / 06
The First International Workshop on Advanced Topics in Operations Management (Mostly OM) took place at Tsinghua SEM during May 26-28, 2010. The event aims to foster exchanges and learning, as well as ...
2010 / 06
Tsinghua SEM’s Professor WU Dong, Director of the Research Center for Public Assets, was selected as a council member of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE) at the association’s 5thIn...
2010 / 06
Tsinghua University Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE) hosted a senior-level internal roundtable discussion with visiting US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and Dr. Christina Romer,...
2010 / 06
The commencement ceremony for the first group of students in the Tsinghua Berkeley Global Technology Entrepreneurship Education Program (GTE Program) was held at Tsinghua SEM on May 23, 2010. The GTE ...
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