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2008 / 01
Tsinghua SEM Top 10 News Stories have been selected out last week, as follows: 1,Tsinghua Achieves AACSB Accreditation for Business Education, First in Chinese Mainland Tsinghua SEM was awarded accred...
2008 / 01
On Dec.29 2007, the “Tsinghua Alumni Mentorship Program” opening ceremony was conducted inTsinghuaZiguanInternationalCommunicationCenter. Prof. YANG Bing, Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM, Prof. TONG ...
2008 / 01
HSBC-Tsinghua "Financial Development inChina's Rural Areas" Research Program Workshop 2007 was held duringJanuary 5-6, 2007at Tsinghua SEM. Vice Director of the University Affairs Council He Jiankun, ...
2008 / 01
HSBC-Tsinghua "Financial Development inChina's Rural Areas" Research Program Workshop 2007 was held duringJanuary 5-6, 2007at Tsinghua SEM. Vice Director of the University Affairs Council He Jiankun, ...
2008 / 01
Tsinghua SEM and the Organizing Department of CPC Xiamen Commission jointly hosted the 2007 Tsinghua SEM City Forum onDecember 28, 2007. Over 250 people including participants fromXiamenCPCTraining Sc...
2008 / 01
Campus life was particularly colorful at the end of year 2007 as professors, students, annuli, and guests from business community gathered together to celebrate the upcoming New Year. The delicately p...
2008 / 01
Campus life was particularly colorful at the end of year 2007 as professors, students, annuli, and guests from business community gathered together to celebrate the upcoming New Year. The delicately p...
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