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2007 / 10
Three 1st year International MBA students from Tsinghua SEM were recently featured on China Radio International. The radio segment featured MBA programs inChinaand in particular, international student...
2007 / 10
A 12-member delegation from Deloitte & Touche USA LLP, headed by Mark Edmunds Mark Edmunds, Vice Chairman of the firm has visited Tsinghua SEM on October 8, 2007.Professor Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghu...
2007 / 09
The number of incoming exchange student grows fast in the past sequent years and reaches a peak high this fall semester. 76 exchange students from over 30 partner schools all around the world are stud...
2007 / 09
The Advanced Management Program in Luxury and Fashion has taken in its second batch of students as the opening ceremony of the program was held at Tsinghua SEM onSeptember 21, 2007. Xue Lei, Director ...
2007 / 09
The 2006 CICC Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation in Economics and Finance has been unveiled. Zhu Xi, SEM 2006 Ph.D. graduate,received the first prize in finance area for studies on Chinese rura...
2007 / 09
17 MBA students and three professors from Pontifacia Catholic University of Chile have arrived atTsinghuaUniversityfor a ten-day visit as part of the short-term exchange program started by the two sch...
2007 / 09
TsinghuaUniversityChinaCenterfor Financial Research (CCFR) and China Finance Online Co. Ltd. have announced strategic cooperation onSeptember 19, 2007. The two sides announced that they would jointly ...
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