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Professor CHEN Jian's research outputs win the 17th Beijing Excellent Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Sciences

2024-01-04 10:42

The academic paper Digitized Empowerment of Operational Management Transformation: From Supply Chain to Supply Chain Ecosystem, co-authored by CHEN Jian and LIU Yunhui, won second prize for outstanding research outputs at the recent 17th Beijing Excellent Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Sciences.

The Beijing Excellent Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Science is announced every two years, with a grand prize, first prizes, and second prizes. This year, Tsinghua University won 20 awards - 4 first prizes and 16 second prizes.

A brief introduction to the award-winning research outputs

Digitized Empowerment of Operational Management Transformation: From Supply Chain to Supply Chain Ecosystem by CHEN Jian and LIU Yunhui

Digitization is driving profound changes in the supply chain from both the supply and demand sides. To meet the evolving and personalized needs of clients, enterprises are transforming from providing products to offering integrated digitization-service-product packages that are open for extension.

Based on a networked, dynamic, and virtual reality integrated supply chain, a supply chain ecosystem has formed, founded on interdependent and complementary supply and demand relationships in which members rely on each other and interact symbiotically.

Focusing on the digitized empowerment of operational management transformation, this paper reviews the development and evolution of supply chain management and defines the supply chain ecosystem as one centering on digitization-service-product packages, which is formed by the linkage and interaction of various entities in the supply chain community.

Next, the paper proposes an analytical framework from three perspectives: topological structure from a spatial perspective, dynamic structure from a temporal perspective, and interactive structure from a systemic perspective, with a special focus on examining the three main characteristics of adaptability, emergence, and evolution.

Finally, the paper states that future research on the supply chain ecosystem should focus on aspects such as participant behavior, product creation strategies, and competitive models.