1. 期刊论文 (UT Dallas 24)
(12) Tong, S., Zhang, Y., Burtch, G., and Lin, Z. (*), Individual Sellers' Social Media Participation and Sales Performance in Peer-to-Peer Marketplaces: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment, Production and Operations Management, 2025, Forthcoming.
(11) Wu, Y., Ke, W., Lin, Z., Li, Y., and Tan, Y., Understanding Lenders' Investment Behavior in Online Peer-to-Peer Lending: A Construal Level Theory Perspective, Information Systems Research, 2025, Forthcoming.
(10) Li, S., Wang, L., Huang, J., Gopal, R., and Lin, Z., Supply and Consumption Dynamics of Home-Cooked Food on Sharing Platforms, Production and Operations Management, 33(1), 2024, pp. 11-31.
(9) Wang, Y., Luo, X., and Lin, Z. (*), Estimating Assortment Size Effects on Platforms: Leveraging Imperfect Geographic Targeting for Causal Inference, Production and Operations Management, 32(11), 2023, pp. 3394-3412.
(8) Liu, Z., Lin, Z. (*), Zhang, Y., and Tan, Y., The Signaling Effect of Sampling Size in Physical Goods Sampling via Online Channels, Production and Operations Management, 31(2), 2022, pp. 529-546.
(7) Wu, Z., Hu, L., Lin, Z. (*), and Tan, Y., Competition and Distortion: A Theory of Information Bias on the Peer-to-Peer Lending Market, Information Systems Research, 32(4), 2021, pp. 1140-1154.
(6) Huang, Y., Lim, K. H., and Lin, Z. (*), Leveraging the Numerosity Effect to Influence Perceived Expensiveness of Virtual Items, Information Systems Research, 32(1), 2021, pp. 93-114.
(5) Luo, X., Tong, S., Lin, Z. (*), and Zhang, C., The Impact of Platform Protection Insurance on Buyers and Sellers in the Sharing Economy: A Natural Experiment, Journal of Marketing, 85(2), 2021, pp. 50-69.
(4) Huang, Y., Lim, K. H., Lin, Z. (*), and Han, S., Large Online Product Catalog Space Indicates High Store Price: Understanding Customers' Overgeneralization and Illogical Inference, Information Systems Research, 30(3), 2019, pp. 963-979.
(3) Lin, Z., Zhang, Y., and Tan, Y., An Empirical Study of Free Product Sampling and Rating Bias, Information Systems Research, 30(1), 2019, pp. 260-275.
- 中国信息经济学2019年优秀成果奖
(2) Lin, Z., Goh, K. Y., and Heng, C. S., The Demand Effects of Product Recommendation Networks: An Empirical Analysis of Network Diversity and Stability, MIS Quarterly, 41(2), 2017, pp. 397-426.
- Media Mention: LSE Business Review
- 中国信息经济学2017青年创新奖
(1) Goh, K. Y., Heng, C. S., and Lin, Z. (Equal Contribution), Social Media Brand Community and Consumer Behavior: Quantifying the Relative Impact of User- and Marketer-Generated Content, Information Systems Research, 24(1), 2013, pp. 88-107.
- Web of Science: Highly Cited Paper (Top 1% in Social Sciences)
- Industry Report: Accenture
- Media Mention: ConsumerValueCreation, Convince & Convert, Brighton
- 中国信息经济学2011-2015青年创新奖
2. 期刊论文 (Financial Times 50)
(4) Skiti, T., Luo, X., and Lin, Z. (*), When More is Less: Quality and Variety Trade-off in Sharing Economy Platforms, Journal of Management Studies, 59(7), 2022, pp. 1817-1838.
(3) Tae, C. J., Luo, X., and Lin, Z. (*), Capacity-Constrained Entrepreneurs and Their Product Portfolio Size: The Response to a Platform Design Change on a Chinese Sharing Economy Platform, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14(3), 2020, pp. 302-328.
- WILEY Top Cited Article 2020-2021
(2) Chen, J., Heng, C. S., Tan, B. C. Y., and Lin, Z. (*), The Distinct Signaling Effects of R&D Subsidy and Non-R&D Subsidy in Influencing IPO Performance of IT Entrepreneurial Firms in China, Research Policy, 47(1), 2018, pp. 108-120.
- 2020年PwC 3535金融论坛:年度最佳论文提名
(1) Lin, Z., and Heng, C. S., The Paradoxes of Word of Mouth in Electronic Commerce, Journal of Management Information Systems, 32(4), 2015, pp. 246-284.
- 中国信息经济学2016青年创新奖
3. 其他期刊论文 (英文)
(15) Wu, Y., Shen, Y., Lin, Z., and Li, Y., The Great Start of The Day Is Morning? The Roles of Diurnal Variations and Interaction Modes for Investment Decisions in Lending-based Crowdfunding, European Journal of Information Systems, 33(4), 2024, pp. 423-440.
(14) Lin, Z., and Zhang, Y., Provider Experience and Order Selection in the Sharing Economy, Information Systems Journal, 34(3), 2024, pp. 586-615.
(13) Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., and Lin, Z. (*), Online Advertising and Real Estate Sales: Evidence from the Housing Market, Electronic Commerce Research, 23, 2023, pp. 605-622.
(12) Zhang, X., Lin, Z. (*), and Maeng, J. H., Investigating the Impact of Home-Sharing on Traditional Rental Market, Internet Research, 32(7), 2022, pp. 169-184.
(11) Huang, Y., Lin, Z., and Yang, L., Complements are Warm and Substitutes Are Competent: The Effect of Recommendation Type on Focal Product Evaluation, Internet Research, 32(4), 2022, pp. 1168-1190.
(10) Yang, Z., and Lin, Z. (*), Interpretable Video Tag Recommendation with Multimedia Deep Learning Framework, Internet Research, 32(2), 2022, pp. 518-535.
(9) Zhang, X., Lin, Z., Zhang, Y., Zheng, Y., and Zhang, J., Online Property Brokerage Platform and Prices of Second-hand Houses: Evidence from Lianjia's Entry, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 50(November–December), 2021, Article 101104.
(8) Xu, X., Qian, H., Ge, C., and Lin, Z., Industry Classification with Online Resume Big Data: A Design Science Approach, Information & Management, 57(5), 2020, Article 103182.
(7) Yang, L., Huang, Y., Ho, Y.-C., and Lin, Z., Is Online Multiple-Stores Cooperative Promotion Better Than Single-Store Promotion? Misprediction from Evaluation Mode, Information & Management, 56(7), 2019, Article 103148.
(6) Heng, C., Lin, Z., Xu, X., Zhang, Y., and Zhao, Y. (Equal Contribution), Human Flesh Search: What Did We Find?, Information & Management, 56(4), 2019, pp. 476-492.
(5) Li, Q., Wang, Q., and Lin, Z. (*), Effects of Consumer Visit to Online Community and Product Channel on Local Sales of Large Consumer Goods: Evidence from Real Estate Industry, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 27(2), 2018, pp. 191-204.
(4) Huang, Y., Li, C., Wu, J., and Lin, Z. (*), Online Customer Reviews and Consumer Evaluation: The Role of Review Font, Information & Management, 55(4), 2018, pp. 430-440.
(3) Lin, Z., and Wang, Q., E-Commerce Product Networks, Word-of-Mouth Convergence and Product Sales, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 19(1), 2018, pp. 23-39.
(2) Zhang, Y., and Lin, Z. (*), Predicting the Helpfulness of Online Product Reviews: A Multilingual Approach, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 27(January-February), 2018, pp. 1-10.
(1) Lin, Z., "An Empirical Investigation of User and System Recommendations in E-Commerce", Decision Support Systems, 68(December), 2014, pp. 111-124.
4. 其他期刊论文 (中文)
(5) 杨弦, 史锟洋, 林志杰 (*), and 段宏波, 双碳背景下的消费低碳化策略选择: 线上还是线下?, 管理科学学报, 已录用, 2024.
(4) 张秀智, 叶浩铭, and 林志杰, 房地产经纪行业集中度对二手房房价的影响——基于19个不同能级城市的数据, 中国房地产金融, 4, 2023, pp. 3-14.
(3) 吴懿, 张啸威, and 林志杰, 共享住宿房东放弃筛选房客的动因——基于行业内竞争, 管理科学, 35(1), 2022, pp. 1-14.
(2) 林志杰, and 孟政炫, 数据生产要素的结合机制:互补性资产视角, 北京交通大学学报(社会科学版), 20(2), 2021, pp. 28-38.
(1) 黄韫慧, 陈增祥, and 林志杰 (*), 中国消费者眼中的奢侈品价值:贵就是好, 南大商学评论, 14(1), 2017, pp. 129-145.
- 第三届《南大商学评论》年度优秀论文
5. 著作
(2) 林志杰 编著,《C语言程序设计——语法基础与实验案例》,清华大学出版社,2022.
(1) 林志杰、陈宇乐 编著,《Python基础与应用》,机械工业出版社,2022.