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经济系    教授







陆毅教授从事中国经济领域的研究工作,主要集中在经济增长、公共财政和全球经济治理等方向。在American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy,Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Public Economics,Journal of Development Economics等国际一流经济学杂志发表论文数十篇。并在《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》等国内一流经济学杂志发表论文十余篇。主持国家社科重大项目、自科面上项目,部委委托项目等多项课题。多项资政报告获得中央领导人肯定性批示和中央部委采纳。论文获得第八届和第九届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)、浦山世界经济学优秀论文青年奖、第十八届和第二十二届“安子介国际贸易研究奖”优秀论文奖、山东省第三十六届社会科学优秀成果奖特等奖并一等奖、辽宁省第九届哲学社会科学成果奖一等奖、浙江省十九届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖(基础理论研究类)、福建省第十三届和第十四届社会科学优秀成果、四川省第十九次社会科学优秀奖等。

目前担任American Economic Journal: Economic Policy编委会,China & World Economy联合主编,《经济学报》的副主编;中国金融40人论坛成员,浦山奖学术委员会委员;中国经济社会理事会理事,中国世界经济学会副会长,中国工业经济学会副理事长,中国数量经济学会常务理事、中国医疗保险研究会第三届理事会常务理事,中国财政学会第十届理事会理事;清华大学-芝加哥大学经济与金融联合研究中心联合主任,清华大学中国经济社会数据研究中心主任,国家统计局-清华大学数据开发中心主任,清华大学经济管理学院国际经济研究中心主任,清华大学中国财政税收研究所副所长,清华大学国有资产管理研究院副院长。

个人主页: http://ylu6.weebly.com/



2025年2月-至今        清华大学五道口金融学院,讲席教授,博导

2022年6月-至今        清华大学经济管理学院,中信讲席教授

2017年5月-至今        清华大学经济管理学院,经济系教授,博导
2014年1月-2019年7月      新加坡国立大学经济系,长聘副教授
2010年7月-2013年12月       新加坡国立大学经济系,助理教授
2007年9月-2010年6月      香港大学商学院,研究助理教授        




International Economics(TIEMBA课程),2020年-至今,清华大学经济管理学院







Chinese Economy in the World (GMBA课程),2020年,清华大学经济管理学院














  • "How do workers adjust to robots? Evidence from China", (with Osea Guintella and Tianyi Wang), Economic Journal, accepted. [Paper]

  • "Productivity Gains from Trade: Bunching Estimates from Trading Rights in China", (with Yunong Li and Jianguo Wang), Review of Economics and Statistics, accepted. [Paper]

  • "Global Corporate Tax Competition Challenges Climate Change Mitigation", (with Yuwan Duan, Zengkai Zhang, Yuze Li, Shouyang Wang, and Cuihong Yang), Nature Climate Change (28 March 2024). [Paper] [Policy Brief]

  • "Do Housing Regulations Affect Child Development? Evidence and Mechanisms", (with Han Li, Jiangyi Li and Huihua Xie), Journal of Public Economics (November 2023), Vol.227, 104995. [Paper]

  • "Valuing Domestic Transport Infrastructure: A View from the Route Choice of Exporters", (with Jingting Fan and Wenlan Luo), Review of Economics and Statistics (Novermber 2023), Vol. 105(6), 1562-1579. [Paper]

  • "Responses of Exporters to Trade Protectionism: Inference from the U.S.-China Trade War", (with Lingduo Jiang, Hong Song, and Guofeng Zhang), Journal of International Economics (January 2023), Vol. 140, 103687. [Paper]

  • "Did Trade Liberalization with China Influence US Elections?", (with Yi Che, Justin Pierce, Peter Schott, and Zhigang Tao), Journal of International Economics (November 2022), Vol. 139, 103652. [Paper]

  • "The Effects of Computer-Assisted Learning on Students' Long-Term Development", (with Nicola Bianchi and Hong Song), Journal of Development Economics (September 2022), Vol. 158, 102919. [Paper]

  • "Environmental Regulations and International Trade: A Quantitative Economic Analysis of World Pollution Emissions", (with Yuwan Duan, Ting Ji and Siying Wang), Journal of Public Economics (November 2021), Vol. 203, 104521. [Paper]

  • "Import Competition and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China", (with Qing Liu, Ruosi Lu and Tuan Anh Luong), Journal of Development Economics (June 2021), Vol. 151, 102650. [Paper]

  • "The Effects of Fuel Standard Regulations on Air Pollution: Evidence from China", (with Pei Li and Jin Wang), Journal of Development Economics (September 2020), Vol. 146, 102488. [Paper]

  • "Housing Wealth and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design", (with Han Li, Jiangyi Li and Huihua Xie), Journal of Public Economics (March 2020), Vol. 183, 104139. [Paper]

  • "Competition, Markups, and Gains from Trade: A Quantitative Analysis of China Between 1995 and 2004", (with Wen-Tai Hsu and Guiying Wu), Journal of International Economics (January 2020), Vol. 122, 103266. [Paper]

  • "Expenditure Response to Health Insurance Policies: Evidence from Kinks in Rural China", (with Ju Shi and Wanyu Yang), Journal of Public Economics (October 2019), Vol. 178. [Paper]

  • "Place-Based Policies, Creation, and Agglomeration Economies: Evidence from China’s Economic Zone Program", (with Jin Wang and Lianming Zhu), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (August 2019), Vol. 11, 325-360. [Paper]

  • "Gender Gap under Pressure: Evidence from China’s National College Entrance Examination", (with Xiqian Cai, Jessica Pan, and Songfa Zhong), Review of Economics and Statistics (May 2019), Vol. 101, 249-263. [Paper]

  • "Exposure to Chinese Imports and Media Slant:Evidence from 147 U.S. Local Newspapers over 1998-2012", (with Xiang Shao and Zhigang Tao), Journal of International Economics (September 2018), Vol. 114, 316-330. [Paper]

  • "Recover Overnight? Work Interruption and Worker Productivity", (with Xiqian Cai, Jie Gong, and Songfa Zhong), Management Science (August 2018), Vol. 64, 3489-3500. [Paper]

  • "The Effect of Teacher Gender on Student's Academic and Noncognitive Outcomes", with (Jie Gong and Hong Song), Journal of Labor Economics (July 2018), Vol. 36, 743-778. [Paper]

  • "Career Concerns and Multitasking Local Bureaucrats: Evidence of A Target-Based Performance Evaluation System in China", (with Jie Chen and Pei Li), Journal of Development Economics (July 2018), Vol. 133, 84-101. [Paper]

  • "Product Cycle, Contractibility, and Global Sourcing", (with Xiaoping Chen and Lianming Zhu), Journal of Development Economics (July 2017), Vol. 127, 283-296. [Paper]

  • "Identifying FDI Spillovers", (with Zhigang Tao and Lianming Zhu), Journal of International Economics (July 2017), Vol. 107, 75-90. [Paper] [Appendix]

  • "Does Environmental Regulation Drive away Inbound Foreign Direct Investment? Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China", (with Xiqian Cai, Mingqin Wu and Linhui Yu), Journal of Development Economics (November 2016), Vol. 123, 73-85. [Paper]

  • "Does Flattening Government Improve Economic Performance?", (with Pei Li and Jin Wang), Journal of Development Economics (November 2016), Vol. 123, 18-37. [Paper]

  • "Firm Investment and Exporting: Evidence from China’s Value-Added Tax Reform", (with Qing Liu), Journal of International Economics (November, 2015), Vol. 97 (2), 392-403. [Paper]

  • "Trade Liberalization and Markup Dispersion: Evidence from China's WTO Accession", (with Linhui Yu), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (October 2015), Vol. 7 (4), 221-253. [Paper] [Appendix]

  • "Once an Enemy, Forever an Enemy? The Long-run Impact of the Japanese Invasion of China from 1937 to 1945 on Trade and Investment", (with Yi Che, Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of International Economics (May 2015), Vol. 96 (1), 182-198. [Paper]

  • "How Do Exporters Respond to Antidumping Investigations?", (with Zhigang Tao and Yan Zhang), Journal of International Economics (November 2013), Vol. 91 (2), 290-300. [Paper] [Appendix] [Slides]

  • "Import Competition and Skill Content in U. S. Manufacturing Industries", (with Travis Ng), Review of Economics and Statistics (October 2013), Vol. 95 (4), 1404–1417. [Paper]

  • "Exporting Behavior of Foreign Affiliates: Theory and Evidence from China", (with Jiangyong Lu and Zhigang Tao), Journal of International Economics (July 2010), Vol. 81 (3), 197-205. [Paper]

  • "Geographic Concentration and Vertical Disintegration: Case of China", (with Ben Li), Journal of Urban Economics (May 2009), Vol. 65 (3), 294-304. [Paper]

  • "Bi-sourcing in the Global Economy", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of International Economics (April 2009), Vol. 77 (2), 206-214. [Paper] [Appendix]

  • "Economic Institutions and FDI Location Choice: Evidence from US Manufacturing Firms in China", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (September 2008), Vol. 36 (3), 412-429. [Paper]


  • 欧阳洁、彭鹭、陆毅. "数字化转型下的人大预算监督与政府支出效率——基于信息不对称视角的分析", 管理世界 2024(2024年第11期), 137~152

  • 周佳音、陆毅. "土地市场降温与地方政务债务风险:来自区县级数据的证据", 数量经济技术经济研究 2024(2024年7月),28-48

  • 蒋灵多、陈虹曦、陆毅、张国峰. "消费结构升级与出口产品质量提升", 数量经济技术经济研究 2024(2024年5月),5-26

  • 孙天阳、陆毅. "中国-东盟经贸合作:西部陆海新通道的现状考察", 经济与管理评论 2024(2024年4月),19-30

  • 董丰、陆毅、许志伟、孙浩宁. "金融泡沫、脱实向虚与经济增长----动态多部门资产泡沫的理论视角", 经济学(季刊) 2024(2024年3月),360-378

  • 陆毅、董丰、王思卿、孙浩宁. "资产泡沫及其政策应对:一个文献综述", 世界经济 2024(2024年2月), 93-125

  • 颜杰、周茂、李雨浓、陆毅. "外资进入、市场不确定性与本土企业商业信用供给", 中国工业经济 2023(2023年12月), 153-170

  • 宋红、张庆、陆毅. "消费信贷与家庭人力资本投资", 金融研究 2023(2023年1月), 131-149

  • 段玉婉、陆毅、蔡龙飞. "全球价值链与贸易的福利效应:基于量化贸易模型的研究",世界经济 2022(2022年6月), 3-31

  • 孙天阳、陆毅、成丽红. "港口管理“ 放管服” 改革与出口结构升级", 世界经济 2022(2022年3月), 134-160

  • 汪昊、郭玉清、陆毅. "中国增值税转嫁、归宿及减税效应:一般均衡分析", 经济研究 2022(2022年2月), 73-89

  • 张国峰, 陆毅, 蒋灵多. "关税冲击与中国进口行为", 金融研究 2021(2021年10月), 40-58

  • 朱恒鹏, 杨志勇, 洪俊杰, 陈彦斌, 陆毅. "深入学习贯彻习近平总书记“七一”重要讲话精神笔谈", 经济学动态 2021(2021年9月), 3-21

  • 陆毅, 孙天阳. "以科学规范的经济学研究方法讲好中国故事", 经济学(季刊) (2021年9月), 1877-1882

  • 蒋灵多, 陆毅, 张国峰. "自由贸易试验区建设与中国出口行为", 中国工业经济 (2021年8月), 75-93

  • 封进, 陆毅, 宋弘. "积极应对人口老龄化与公共财政支出结构调整", 人民论坛·学术前沿 (2021年5月), 78-83

  • 王伟同, 李秀华, 陆毅. "减税激励与企业债务负担----来自小微企业所得税减半征收政策的证据", 经济研究  (2020年8月), 105-120

  • 孙天阳, 陆毅, 成丽红. "资源枯竭型城市扶助政策实施效果、长效机制与产业升级", 中国工业经济 (2020年7月), 98-116

  • 宋弘,陆毅. "如何有效增加理工科领域人才供给?----来自拔尖学生培养计划的实证研究",经济研究  (2020年2月), 52-67

  • 陆毅, 王瑾, 朱连明. "区域性经济政策奏效吗?来自中国经济开发区的实证证据", 比较 (2019年10月), 2019年第5期

  • 吕炜, 周佳音, 陆毅. "理解央地财政博弈的新视角——来自地方债发还方式改革的证据", 中国社会科学  (2019年10月), 134-159

  • 吕越, 陆毅, 吴嵩博, 王勇. "'一带一路'倡议的对外投资促进效应----基于2005-2016年中国企业绿地投资的双重差分检验", 经济研究  (2019年9月), 187-202

  • 蒋灵多, 陆毅, 纪珽. "贸易自由化是否助于国有企业去杠杆", 世界经济 (2019年9月), 101-125

  • 谢申祥, 陆毅, 蔡熙乾. "开放经济体系中劳动者的工资议价能力", 中国社会科学  (2019年5月), 40-59

  • 周茂, 李雨浓, 姚星, 陆毅. "人力资本扩张与中国城市制造业出口升级:来自高校扩招的证据", 管理世界 (2019年5月), 64-77

  • 唐爱迪, 陆毅, 杜清源. "我国外汇储备的溢出效应研究----基于引力模型的分析", 金融研究  (2019年4月): 1-19

  • 周茂, 陆毅, 李雨浓. "地区产业升级与劳动收入份额:基于合成工具变量的估计", 经济研究 (2018年11月), 132-147

  • 蒋灵多, 陆毅. "市场竞争加剧是否助推国有企业加杠杆", 中国工业经济 (2018年11月), 155-173

  • 蒋灵多, 陆毅, 陈勇兵. “城市毗邻效应与出口比较优势”, 金融研究  (2018年9月), 56-73

  • 蒋灵多, 陆毅, 陈勇兵. "市场机制是否利于“僵尸企业”处置?——以外资自由化为例”, 世界经济 (2018年9月), 121-145

  • 周茂, 陆毅, 杜艳, 姚星. “开发区设立与地区制造业升级”, 中国工业经济 (2018年3月), 62-79

  • 蒋灵多, 陆毅. "最低工资标准能否抑制新僵尸企业的形成“, 中国工业经济 (2017年11月), 118-136

  • 盛丹, 陆毅. "国有企业改制降低了劳动者的工资议价能力吗?", 金融研究  (2017年1月), 69-82

  • 周茂, 陆毅, 符大海. "贸易自由化与中国产业升级:事实与机制", 世界经济 (2016年10月), 78-102

  • 盛丹, 陆毅. "出口贸易是否会提高劳动者工资的集体议价能力", 世界经济  (2016年5月), 122-145

  • 周茂, 陆毅, 陈丽丽. "企业生产率与企业对外直接投资进入模式选择:来自中国企业的证据",管理世界 (2015年11月), 70-86

  • 余林徽, 陆毅, 路江涌. "解构经济制度对我国企业生产率的影响", 经济学(季刊) (2013年10月), 13卷第1期, 127-150

  • 吴敏琴, 陆毅, 陈斌. "产业集聚与企业养老保险:基于中国制造业的证据", 南开经济评论 (2013), 第3期, 83-94

  • 路江涌, 陆毅, 余林徽. "外方总经理对企业盈利能力影响的实证研究", 南开管理评论 (2012年), 第5期, 64-73

  • 陆毅, 李冬娅, 方琦璐, 陈熹. "产业集聚与企业规模", 管理世界  (2010年8月), 2010年第8期

  • 骆品亮, 陆毅. "竞争性品牌策略:进入遏制角度的分析", 管理科学学报 (2007年8月), 第10卷第4期, 24-31

  • 骆品亮, 陆毅. "共同代理与独家代理的激励效率比较研究", 管理科学学报 (2006年2月), 第9卷第1期, 47-53

  • 骆品亮, 陆毅. "我国研究型高校薪酬制度的研究", 研究与发展管理 (2004年4月), 第16卷第2期, 63-70

  • 骆品亮, 陆毅. "学术腐败与学术激励", 科研管理 (2003年7月), 第24卷第4期, 15-21

  • 骆品亮, 陆毅. "合作R&D的组织形式与虚拟研发组织", 科研管理 (2002年11月), 第23卷第6期, 67-73


  • "Trump, China, and the Republicans", (with Ben G. Li, Pasquale Sgro, and Xing Xu), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, forthcoming. [Paper]

  • "Information, Incentives, and Environmental Governance: Evidence from China's Ambient Air Quality Standards", (with Pei Li, Lu Peng, and Jin Wang), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, forthcoming. [Paper]

  • "Trade and Welfare Effects of Export Tax: Theory and Evidence from China's Incomplete Export VAT Rebate", (with Eric Bond, Yuwan Duan, and Ting Ji), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (October 2023), Vol.214, 542-560. [Paper]

  • "Import Competition and Workplace Safety in the U.S. Manufacturing Sector", (with Tat-kei Lai and Travis Ng), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (November 2022), Vol. 203, 24-42. [Paper]

  • "Gender Peer Effects on Students' Academic and Noncognitive Outcomes: Evidence and Mechanism", with (Jie Gong and Hong Song), Journal of Human Resources (Summer 2021), Vol. 56, 686-710. [Paper]

  • "Education and Mental Health: Evidence and Mechanisms", (with Wei Jiang and Huihua Xie), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (December 2020), Vol. 180, 407-437. [Paper]

  • "The Average and Distributinal Effects of Teenage Adversity on Long-Term Health", (with Jie Gong and Huihua Xie), Journal of Health Economics (May 2020), Vol. 71, 102288. [Paper]

  • "Did the Communists Contribute to China’s Rural Growth?", (with Mona Luan and Tuan Hwee Sng), Explorations in Economic History (January 2020), Vol. 75, 101315.[Paper]

  • "The Effect of Educational Technology on College Students’ Labor Market Performance", (with Hong Song), Journal of Population Economics (January 2020), Vol. 33, 1101-1126. [Paper]

  • "Long-Term Impact of Trade Liberalization on Human Capital Formation", (with Jie Li, Hong Song and Huihua Xie), Journal of Comparative Economics (December 2019), Vol. 47, 946-961. [Paper]

  • "Competitive Experience and Gender Difference in Risk Preference, Trust Preference and Academic Performance: Evidence from Gaokao in China, (with Xinzheng Shi and Songfa Zhong), Journal of Comparative Economics (December 2018), Vol. 46, 1388-1410. [Paper]

  • "The Impact of Temperature on Manufacturing Worker Productivity: Evidence from Personnel Data", (with Xiqian Cai and Jin Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics (December 2018), Vol. 46, 889-905. [Paper]

  • "How Do Exporters Adjust Export Product Scope and Product Mix to React to Antidumping?", (with Zhigang Tao and Yan Zhang), China Economic Review (October 2018), Vol. 51, 20-41. [Link]

  • "The Great Opening up and the Roadmap for the Future: The Story of China's International Trade", (with Yan Du), China & World Economy (March--April 2018), Special Issue: 40 Years of Economic Reform and Openness in China, Vol. 26 (2), 68-93. [Link]

  • "Vertical Integration and Firm Productivity", (with Hongyi Li and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Economics Management and Strategy (Summer 2017), Vol. 26 (2), 403-428. [Paper]

  • "Institutional Quality and Firm Survival", (with Yi Che and Zhigang Tao), Economics of Transition (July 2017), Vol. 25 (3), 495-525. [Paper]

  • "Intermediaries, Firm Heterogeneity, and Exporting Behavior: Evidence from Developing Economies", (with Jiangyong Lu, Yi Sun, and Zhigang Tao), World Economy (July 2017), Vol. 40 (7), 1381-1404. [Paper]

  • "Telecommunications Externality on Migration: Evidence from Chinese Villages", (with Huihua Xie and Colin Xu), China Economic Review (July 2016), Vol. 39, 77-90. [Paper]

  • "Does Trade Credit Boost Firm Performance?", (with Dongya Li, Travis Ng, and Jun Yang), Economic Development and Cultural Change (April 2016), Vol. 64 (3), 573-602. [Paper]

  • "Government Expropriation and Chinese-Style Firm Diversification", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (February 2015), Vol. 43 (1), 155-169. [Paper]

  • "The Role of the State in Resolving Business Disputes in China", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (December 2014), Vol. 42 (4), 940-953. [Paper]

  • "Does Competition Lead to Customization?", (with Wen-Tai Hsu and Travis Ng), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (October 2014), Vol. 106, 10-28. [Paper]

  • "Pure Exporter: Theory and Evidence from China", (with Jiangyong Lu and Zhigang Tao), World Economy (September 2014), Vol. 37 (9), 1197–1333. [Paper]

  • "City-industry Growth in China", (with Juan Ni, Zhigang Tao, and Linhui Yu), China Economic Review (December 2013), Vol. 27, 135-147. [Paper]

  • "The Impact of Income on Democracy Revisited", (with Yi Che, Zhigang Tao, and Peng Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics (February 2013), Vol. 41 (1), 159-169. [Paper]

  • "Do Institutions not Matter in China? Evidence from Manufacturing Enterprises", (with Ivan P.L. Png and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (February 2013), Vol. 41 (1), 74-90. [Paper]

  • "Do Imports Spur Incremental Innovation in the South?", (with Travis Ng), China Economic Review (December 2012), Vol. 23 (4), 819-832. [Paper]

  • "Bank Loans versus Trade Credit: Evidence from China", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Economics of Transition (July 2012), Vol. 20 (3), 457-480. [Paper]

  • "Do Domestic and Foreign Exporters Differ in Learning by Exporting? Evidence from China", (with Julan Du, Zhigang Tao, and Linhui Yu), China Economic Review (June 2012), Vol. 23 (2), 296-315. [Paper]

  • "Institutions, Culture Distance, and FDI Location Choice: Evidence from China", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Asian Economics (June 2012), Vol. 23 (3), 210-223. [Paper]

  • "Industrial Agglomeration and Firm Size: Evidence from China", (with Dongya Li and Mingqin Wu), Regional Science and Urban Economics (March 2012), Vol. 42 (1-2), 135-143. [Paper]

  • "Outsourcing, Product Quality, and Contract Enforcement", (with Travis Ng and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy (Spring 2012), Vol. 21 (1), 1-30. [Paper]

  • "Contracting Institutions and Vertical Integration: Evidence from China's Manufacturing Firms", (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (February 2012), Vol. 40 (1), 89-107. [Paper]

  • "Political Connections and Trade Expansion: Evidence from Chinese Private Firm", Economics of Transition (April 2011), Vol 19 (2), 231–254. [Paper]

  • "Union Effects on Performance and Employment Relations: Evidence from Chinese Private Enterprises", (with Zhigang Tao and Yijiang Wang), China Economic Review (March 2010), Vol. 21 (1), 202-210. [Paper]

  • "Contract Enforcement and Family Control of Business: Evidece from China", (with Zhigang Tao), Journal of Comparative Economics (December 2009), Vol. 37 (4), 597-609. [Paper]

  • "Excludable Public Goods: Pricing and Social Welfare Maximization", (with Chong-en Bai and Zhigang Tao), Economics Letters (May 2009), Vol. 103 (2), 72-74. [Paper]

  • "FDI Location Choice: Agglomeration vs. Institutions",  (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), International Journal of Finance and Economics (January 2008), Vol. 13 (1), 92-107.

  • "Why Do Firms Conduct Bi-sourcing",  (with Julan Du and Zhigang Tao), Economics Letters (August 2006), Vol. 92 (2), 245-249. [Paper]












2021年1月-至今,American Economic Journal: Economic Policy编委会

2018年11月-至今,China & World Economy联合主编


20173-2022年12月,Journal of Comparative Economics 副主编














2023年,论文《Environmental regulations and international trade: A quantitative economic analysis of world pollution emissions》获得第二十二届“安子介国际贸易研究奖”优秀论文三等奖



2021年,论文《Recover Overnight? Work Interruption and Worker Productivity》获得福建省第十四届社会科学优秀成果三等奖

2020年,论文《Identifying FDI Spillovers》获得第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)二等奖


2019年,论文《Does Environmental Regulation Drive away Inbound Foreign Direct Investment? Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China》获得福建省第十三届社会科学优秀成果二等奖

2017年,论文《Trade Liberalization and Markup Dispersion:Evidence from China’s WTO Accession》获得浙江省十九届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖(基础理论研究类)三等奖

2014年,论文《How do exporters respond to antidumping investigations?》获得第十八届“安子介国际贸易研究奖”优秀论文三等奖
