Aggregate Implications of Financial Frictions for Unemployment,独立作者,Review of Economic Dynamics,2023, Volume 48, pp. 45-71;
Self-fulfilling Business Cycles with Production Networks,合作者:Fei Zhou,International Economic Review,待刊;
Asset Bubbles and Monetary Policy,合作者:苗建军、王鹏飞,Review of Economic Dynamics,Vol. 37, 2020;入选Frontiers of Business Cycle Research发表25周年纪念专辑;
Bubbly Booms and Welfare,合作者:Yang Jiao、Haoning Sun,Review of Economic Dynamics,Volume 53, July 2024, pp. 71-122;
Long and Plosser Meet Bewley and Lucas:Monetary Policy in Production Networks,合作者:文一,Journal of Monetary Economics,2019,Volume 102,pp.70-92;入选纪念Charles Plosser纪念文集;
Adverse Selection and Self-Fulfilling Business Cycles,合作者:Jess Benhabib、Pengfei Wang,Journal of Monetary Economics,2018,Volume 94, pp. 114-130;
Bubbly Bailout,合作者:Zhiwei Xu,Journal of Economic Theory,Volume 202, June 2022, 105460;获中国信息经济学协会2022年创新成果奖
Public Disclosure and Private Information Acquisition: A Global Game Approach,合作者:Zhifeng Cai,Journal of Economic Theory,Volume 210, June 2023, 105670;
Cycles of Credit Expansion and Misallocation: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly,合作者:Zhiwei Xu,Journal of Economic Theory,2020,Vol. 186;获中国信息经济学会2020年优秀成果奖;
Asset Bubbles and Financial Frictions in Small Open Economies,合作者:Dongzhou Mei、Zehua Xiao,Journal of International Money and Finance,2025;
The Perils of Credit Booms,合作者:Jianjun Miao、Pengfei Wang, Economic Theory,2018,Volume 66,Issue 4, pp. 819–861;
Credit Search and Credit Cycles,合作者:Pengfei Wang、Yi Wen,Economic Theory,2016,Volume 61,Issue 2,pp. 215–239;
A Search-Based Model of Capital Reallocation,合作者:Pengfei Wang、Yi Wen,European Economic Review,2020,Volume 128;
11. A Model of Secular Migration from Centralized to Decentralized Trade,合作者:Zhifeng Cai,Economic Theory,Vol. 72, pp. 201–244, 2021;
Flight to Housing in China,合作者:Jianfeng Liu、Zhiwei Xu、Bo Zhao,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,2021,Vol. 130;
Economic Slowdown and Housing Dynamics in China: A Tale of Two Investments by Firms,合作者:Yumei Guo、Yuchao Peng、Zhiwei Xu,Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,2022, 54(6):1839-1874;
Bubbly Bitcoin, 合作者:Zhiwei Xu、Yu Zhang,Economic Theory,2021: 1-43;
Speculative Bubbles and Talent Misallocation,合作者:Yandong Jia、Siqing Wang,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,2022,Vol.141;
Flight to What: Dissecting Liquidity Shortage in the Financial Crisis,合作者:Yi Wen,Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,已接受;
Firm Debt and Labor Share: The distribution effect of deleverage, 合作者:Guangjuan Shen、Yang Jiao,China Economic Quarterly International,2021, Volume 1,Issue 1, pp. 59-71;
Contagious Bubbles,合作者:Zhen Huo、Yi Wen,Journal of Monetary Economics,reject and resubmit;
International Credit Cycles,合作者:Zhiwei Xu、Jinxiang Yu,Journal of International Economics,reject and resubmit;
A Macroeconomic Model of Structural Monetary Policy in China,合作者:Dongzhou Mei、Haoning Sun,accepted for PHBS-IER Macro Conference;
Lemon Cycles,合作者:Ernest Liu;
Aggregate Demand Externality and Self-fulfilling Default Cycles,合作者:Jess Benhabib、Pengfei Wang、Zhenyang Xu;
Bubbly Leverage Cycles,合作者:Mengbo Zhang、Jihang Zhou;
Asset Bubbles and Monetary Policy in Open Economies,合作者:Yang Jiao、Siqing Wang;
Globalization Bubbly Government Debt,合作者:Haozhou Tang、Yizhen Wang;
Dynamic Efficiency Redux: Evidence from China,合作者:Jinpu Li、Haoning Sun、Siqing Wang;
Financial Development and Housing Laffer Curve, 合作者:Zhifeng Cai、Haoning Sun;
Cycles of Global Imbalance, 合作者:Siqing Wang、Zhiwei Xu、Zhenyang Xu;
Optimal Monetary Policy under Negative Interest Rates,合作者:Yi Wen;
A Theory of Credit Cycles in Pandemic,合作者:Pengfei Wang、Zhiwei Xu;
A Tale of Two Dispersion: Wage and Firm Size, 合作者:Fei Zhou;