Zhu, R., Yi, C.*, Li, T. "Augmented Reality at Work: Attention Management and Its Impact on Work Performance", MIS Quarterly, forthcoming
Zou, W., Li, M.*, Yi, C.*, Wang, J. "Digital Resilience to Covid-19: Evidence from the Medical Aesthetics Industry", Production and Operations Management, forthcoming
Li, T.*, Liu, D., Xu, X., Yi, C.* "Interleaved Design for E-learning: Theory, Design, and Empirical Findings", MIS Quarterly, forthcoming
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Zhu, R. and Yi, C.* “Avatar Design in Metaverse: The Effect of Avatar-user Similarity in Procedural and Creative Tasks,” Internet Research, forthcoming
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李梦馨,易成*(2023)“人机交互vs.人人交互:探究论证双面性设计在商务对话中的影响”,信息资源管理学报, 13(3), 140-153
陈国青,任明,卫强,郭迅华,易成(2022)“数智赋能:信息系统研究的新跃迁”, 管理世界, 38(1),180-195
易成,葛淳棉,李泉(2021)“多媒体产品信息对线上购物退货行为的影响,”信息系统学报,2021年第24期, 50-61