

Department of Management Science and Engineering    Professor



Office:364 Weilun Building

Office Hours:Monday 14:00-16:00

Educational Background

7/1994--8/1998 Ph.D. & M.S., Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology, Tsinghua University

10/1989--7/1994 B.S., Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University


Work Experience

1998--present     Assistant, Associate and Full Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (Lecturer, Associate Professor)

1/2004--7/2004   Visiting Scholar, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, USA

7/2003--1/2004   Visiting Scholar, MIT Sloan School of Management, USA

7/2002--8/2002   Visiting Scholar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK

9/1998--8/2000   Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Management Science and Engineering, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University



Information System (MBA), Information Management (MBA/EMBA), Enterprise Resource Planning (MBA), Introduction to Information Management (Undergraduate)


Research Areas

Digital transformation、Digital economy、Digital production relations、Industrial Blockchain、Industrial Internet、Industry Digital Finance



•Journal Articles

1.    Wei Feng, Zhu Yan(Corresponding Author), Self-operated Store or Franchised Store? Optimal Decisions for Online to Offline Supply Chain with a Demand Shift, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, December, 2020.

2.    Rong Hou, Yongbo Xiao, Yan Zhu, Hongyan Zhao, Prediction of Hyperuricemia Risk Based on Medical Examination Report Analysis, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, August 8, 2020.

3.    Dongping Ning, Zhan Zhang, Kun Qiu, Lin Lu, Qin Zhang. Yan Zhu, Renzhi Wang,Efficacy of intelligent diagnosis with a dynamic uncertain causality graph model for rare disorders of sex development,Frontiers of Medicine, April 17,2020.

4.    Xusong Bu, Lin Lu, Zhan Zhang, Qin Zhang, Yan Zhu, A General Outpatient Triage System Based on Dynamic Uncertain Causality Graph, IEEE Access, 2020.****5087.

5.    Yang Jiao, Zhan Zhang, Ting zhang, Yan Zhu, Jie Hu, Qin Zhang, Development of an artificial intelligence diagnostic model based on dynamic uncertain causality graph for the differential diagnosis of dyspnea, Frontiers of Medicine, February 13,2020.

6.    Hou, Rong, Yongbo Xiao, Yan Zhu, Zhao, Hongyan, "Prediction of Hyperuricemia Risk Based on Medical Examination Report Analysis", Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol.29, No.4, pp.468-503, 2020

7.    Dongping Ning, Zhan Zhang, Kun Qiu, Lin Lu, Qin Zhang, Yan Zhu, Renzhi Wang, "Efficacy of intelligent diagnosis with a dynamic uncertain causality graph model for rare disorders of sex development", Frontiers of Medicine, Vol.14, No.5, pp.498–505, 2020

8.    YANG JIAO, Zhan Zhang, Ting Zhang, Wen Shi, Yan Zhu, Jie Hu, Qin Zhang, "Development of an artificial intelligence diagnostic model based on dynamic uncertain causality graph for the differential diagnosis of dyspnea", Frontiers of Medicine, Vol.14, No.5, pp.488–497, 2020

9.    Bu, Xusong, Lu, Lin, Zhang, Zhan, Zhang, Qin, Yan Zhu, "A General Outpatient Triage System Based on Dynamic Uncertain Causality Graph", IEEE Access, 8No., pp.93249-93263, 2020

10.   Yan Zhu, New opportunities for digital economy and industrial transformation under the Covid-19, China Construction News, 2, 2020.

11.   Yan Zhu, Strategies for the construction industry under the tide of resumption of work, China Construction Industry, 4, 2020.

12.   Lizhen Xu, Jason A. Duan, Yu Jeffrey Hu, Yuan Cheng, Yan Zhu, Forward-Looking Behavior in Mobile Data Consumption and Targeted Promotion Design: A Dynamic Structural Model, Information Systems Research (ISR), Vol.30, No.2, pp.616-635, 2019.

13.   Yan Zhu, and Yan Shi, Analysis of the Factors of Digital Economy, Tsinghua Business Review, Z2, pp.24-29, 2019.

14.   Yan Zhu, Xiaohui Li, and Hong Zhang, From China's 3rd to the World's 1st: BNBM's "Top of the Industry" Strategic Practices, Tsinghua Business Review, 4, pp.90-100, 2019.

15.   Yan Zhu, Economy Reform Upgrading Led by Digital Consumption, China Industry News, 2, 2019.

16.   Yan Zhu, The Financial Industry Reform in the Era of Sharing Economy, Financial Computer of China, 11, pp.5-6, 2017.

17.   Yan Zhu, China's Chances: Digital Economy Inspired by the Eastern Philosophy, Economic Information Daily, 2017.

18.   Yongbo Xiao, Yan Zhu, "Value Management of Diagnostic Equipment with Cancelation, No-show, and Emergency Patients", Naval Research Logistics, Vol.63, No.4, pp.287-304, 2016.

19.   Yan Zhu, “Internet+” Supply-side Reform, Tsinghua Business Review, 6, pp.22-28, 2016.

20.   Jingfen Sun, Zhenghao Lin, Huahao Song, Yan Zhu, Xiaojuan Chen, Study on Sustainable Design of THE-STUDIO in Guian District Based on BREEAM Assessment, South Architecture, 3, pp.21-26, 2016.

21.   Dou Yifan, Zhu Yan, The competition of the two sides software platform based on vertical differentiation, Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 55(6): 705-708, 2015

22.   Wang W., Zhao Y., Zhu Yan, Effects of Emoticons on the Acceptance of Negative Feedback in Computer-Mediated Communication, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15(8), 2014

23.   Wang Qinghua, Zhu Yan, Wen Zhong, A Study on the Influence of Microblog Users' Satisfaction on the Use of Sina, China Soft Science, No.7,pp.183-192, 2013

24.   Sipsma H., Liu Y., Wang H., Zhu Yan, Xue Lei, Patient Experiences With Inpatient Care In Rural China, Int. Journal for Quality in Health Care, 25(4): 452-458, 2013

25.   Cao Na, Zhu Yan, Du Bo, Zhu Guangjun, Research on the construction enterprise management and control mode based on the project as the core, Modernization of Management, No.4,pp.69-71, 2013

26.   Lei Ming, Wang Qinghua, Zhu Yan, Research on the impact of mobile advertising on consumer's attitude toward advertising, China Soft Science, 2012

27.   Yu Yinan, Zhu Yan, Wen Zhong, A study on the relationship between personal characteristics, motivation, behavior and micro-blog attraction of micro-blog users, China Soft Science, 2012

28.   Hong Wang, Yu Liu, Zhu Yan, Xue Lei, Health insurance benefit design and healthcare utilization in northern rural China, PLOS ONE, 11(7), 2012

29.   Su Qiang, Shi Jinghua, Gu Ping, Huang Gang, Zhu Yan, Improved diagnostic efficiency by setting multiple critical values of multiple tumor markers, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS,39(5): 5784-5791, 2012

30.   Mou Bojiao, Li Yan, Zhu Yan, Research status and development trend of operation management based on bounded rationality hypothesis, Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 52(2): 253-259, 2012

31.   Yang Yunsong, Wen Zhong, Zhu Yan, Case study of a reading website and analysis of China's Web2.0 Market, Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 51(12), 2011

32.   Zhu Yan, Li Yan, Wang Weiquan, Chen Jian, What Leads to Post-Implementation Success of ERP? An Empirical Study of the Chinese Retail Industry., International Journal of Information Management, 30(3):265-276, 2010.

33.   Zhao Yi, Wang Weiquan, Zhu Yan, Antecedents of the Closeness of Human-Avatar Relationships in a virtual world. Journal of Database Management, 21(2): 41-68, 2010.

34.   Zhu Yan, Li Yan, Yang Yunsong, Status and Trends of B2B e-Marketplace adoption research, China Soft Science, No6:167-176, 2010.

35.   Wu Peng, Zhu Yan, Study on Recycle Manufacturing Decision of Re-manufacturing Enterprises. Tsinghua Science and Technology, Accepted .

36.   Chen Chao, Zhu Yan, Zhu Tao, Capacity Allocation Model of Community Hospital Ward in China, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 50(6): 961-967, 2010.

37.   Zhu Yan, "National and Culture Differences in C2C Online Transaction", Tsinghua Science and Technology, 3, pp. 383-389, 2009

38.   SHI Jinghua, SU Qiang, GU Ping, HUANG Gang, ZHU Yan, "Multi-cutoff levels setting algorithm of various tumors markers in colorectal cancer", Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 5, pp. 777-780, 2009

39. Zhu Yan, Lin Zenan, "Review of personalized recommendation methods in e-commerce", China Soft Science, 2, pp. 183-192, 2009

40. Yangyun Song, Zhu Yan, "the profit model of Web2.0 platform based on bilateral market", China Soft Science, Supplement of 2009

41. Wu Peng, Zhu Yan, "analysis on security risk of circulation of medical supply chain", China Soft Science, Supplement of 2009

42. XIAO Yong-bo, CHEN Jian, LIU Xiao-ling, ZHU Yan, "Analysis of a dynamic inventory transshipment game between two retailers of seasonal products", Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice, 28, pp. 35-43, 2008

43. Zhu Yan, "Informatization Implementation for Chinese Retailers", Tsinghua Science and Technolog , 13, 2008

44. Zhu Yan, "Survey and Analysis on China's retail industry and its Management Information", China Soft Science, 12, 2008.

45. Zhu Yan, "the impact of Recommended System to consumers surplus and sellers benefits", China Soft Science, 2008

46. Zhu Yan, "A ERP risk assessment approach: Enterprise Resource function deployment", Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 8, s1, pp. 1115-1119, 2007

47. Zhu Y. & Xiao S. J., "A kind of ERP risk analysis method: Enterprise Function Deployment", Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), Vol. 46 No. S1, 2006

48. Zhu Y. Li Qian, "MW-OBS: An Improved Pruning Method for Topology Design of Neural Networks", Journal of Tsinghua University (English Version), Vol 11 (5), 2006

• Books

1. Zhu Yan, Zhao Hongyan, Zheng Jie, Smart Medical: Digital transformation and Value rebuilding of the Medical Industry, Intellectual Property Press, December,2020.

2. Zhu Yan, Tian Jinqiang, Liu Baoping,Yu Zhihui, Digital Agriculture: The Only Way to the Development of Agricultural Modernization, Intellectual Property Press, December 12,2020.

3. Zhu Yan, Wen Lin,Kang Binsheng, Internet + Energy, Intellectual Property Press, January,2019.

4. Zhu Yan, Huang Yuhui, Internet + Architecture: Changes in the Smart Construction Industry under the Digital Economy, Intellectual Property Press,August,2018.

5. Zhu Yan, Zheng Xiaoimng, Sun Jing, Case Study of BNBM, Tsinghua University Press, 2018.

6. Zhu Yan, Xu Feng, Mega C onvergence——the Evolution of Cyber Business Model, Tsinghua University Press, November, 2013.

7. Mao Jiye, Chen Guoqing, Guo Xunhua, Zhu Yan, Management Information Systerms, Tsinghua University Press, February, 2011.

8. Zhu Yan, Gou Juanqiong, Enterprise Resource Planning, Tsinghua University Press, 2007.

• Conference Papers/Presentations

1. Yan Li, Weiquan WANG, Zhu Yan, Chen Jian, "What Accounts for Organizations' Different Usage of B2B E-Marketplaces?", The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2013

2. Su Ping, Mi Liangchuan, Zhu Yan, "Research on process design and quality control of medical examination", 2012 Academic Conference on medical management of Tsinghua University, 2012

3. Li Hao, Zhu Yan, Xue Lei, "Research on integration technology of multi data source for public hospital information system", 2012 Academic Conference on medical management of Tsinghua University, 2012

4. Yu Yinan, Zhu Yan, "Fans: Microblog User's Self Characteristics, Motivation and Microblog's Use and Attractiveness Research", 2012 9th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2012

5. Wang Qinghua, Zhu Yan, "Research on the relationship between the satisfaction and the behavior of micro-blog users", 2012 9th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2012

6. Li Hao, Zhu Yan, "Research on the application and implementation of smart city in China", 2012 International Conference on System Science and Engineering, 2012

7. Xiao Yongbo, Dou Yifan, Zhu Yan, “Some thoughts on the management system of the new rural cooperative medical system in China -- Taking Juancheng, Shandong as an example”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on medical management in Tsinghua University, pp. 372-380, 2011

8. Zhu Yan, "Review of Empirical Researches on Social Network Sites", 4th. International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation (IMETI 2011), 2011

9. Li Yan, Zhu Yan, "Research on Propagation of Trust and Distrust by Means of Co-citation", ICSSSM09 , 2009

10. Zhu Yan, Li Yan, Wang Weiquan, Chen Jian, "An Investigation into Post-Implementation Success of ERP: An Empirical Study of the Chinese Retail Industry", 15th AMCIS 2009,paper603 , 2009

11. Dou Yifan, Zhu Yan, "The Supply Chain Models in 2-sided Market: The Platform Pricing Strategy", ISCM2009 , 2009

12. Jin Yanan, Zhu Yan, Li Yan, "the affect mechanism of the use of Social network services to individual social capital", Information Systems Association China Branch of the Third National Assembly (CNAIS'09), 2009

13. Zhu Yan, Li Yan, "Culture Differences in Electronic Marketplaces", 5th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management(ICSSSM 08), Melbourne, Australia , 2008

14. Li Yan, Wang Weiquan, Zhu Yan, Chen Jian, "A Unified Model of B2B E-Marketplace Adoption: Integrating the Transactional and Relational Perspectives", IEEE Symposium on Advanced Management of Information for Globalized Enterprises (AMIGE 08), Tianjin , pp. 28-29, 2008

15. Zhu Yan, "Be cautious, when sharing medical information in a well-informationized society", IESM' 2007 , 2007

16. Zhu Yan, "Study on K-anonymity models of sharing medical information", ICSSSM'2007 , 2007

17. Zhu Yan, "National and Cultural Differences in C2C Online Transactions", 7th Asia E-biz Workshop , 2007

18. Zhu Yan, "study on a feedback system combined with escrow service in a C2C e-marketplace", The First China Summer Workshop on Information Management , 2007

19. Zhu Yan, "overview of personalized recommendation and its research direction", CNAIS2007, Kunming, 2007

20. Yan ZHU, Yan LI,The Informatization Development Trend of Chinese Retailing, ICSSSM”2006,  France 2006.

21. Qi LIN,Yan ZHU, Capacity Control of Revenue Management in Wards of Community Hospital, ICSSSM" 2006,  France 2006.

22. Zhu Y. etc., E-Business in Chinese Retail Industry: Cases Discussion, 6th Asia E-business Workshop, 2006 Japan

23. Zhu Y. etc., "the Investigation of Chinese Retailing Informatization", 2nd CNAIS conference, Chengdu, 2006


Industry Experience

• Member of IEEE Computer Society (2002 till now)

• Member of Association of China System Engineering(2002 till now)

• CCTV Financial Commentator (2015 till now)

• Member of ChinaInfo 100(Apr. 2016 till now)

• Member of the Chinese Association of Digital Economy 100(2018 till now)

• Director of the Blockchain Branch of the Chinese Society of Technology Economics (2019 till now)

• Director of the Industrial Digital Financial Technology Application Laboratory of the Chinese Society of Technology Economics (2020 till now)

• Academic Dean of the Blockchain Industry College, Chengdu University of Information Technology(2020 till now)

• Vice Chairman of the Digital Economy Special Committee of China Federation of Internet Social Organizations (2020 till now)

Activities with Industries

• SAP HR Global Consultant (2000 till now)



• 2020, Outstanding Achievements of Beijing Philosophy and Social Sciences Award II, Beijing, China

• 2010, The China National Association for Automation of Petroleum and Chemical Industry, Science and Technology Progress Award Class II

• 2006, Best Case Award, Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China

• 2006, Best Paper Award, Chinese Information Association

• 2005, Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award Class Ⅲ, Beijing, China

• 2002, State Scholarship Fund Award, Granted by China Scholarship Council

• 2001, Beijing Science and Technology Progress Award Class II, Beijing, China

• 1999, Outstanding Teaching Award, Tsinghua university, Beijing, China
