Accounting Assistant Professor
Office:B338 Lihua Building
2017-2022 Tulane University, Ph.D in Finance and Financial Accounting
2016-2017 Xiamen University, Master in Accounting (Incomplete)
2012-2016 Xiamen University, Bachelor in Accounting
2022-, Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, Assistant Professor
Financial Accounting, Doctoral Research Seminar, etc.
Corporate Disclosure
1) "Reorganization of LGFVs and Municipal Bond Credit Risk Premium", Joint work with Ye Guo and Mengqi Huang. Economic Research Journal 经济研究 (2024)
2) "Employee Responses to CEO Activism", Joint work with Anahit Mkrtchyan and Jason Sandvik. Journal of Accounting and Economics (2024)
3) "Fixed Income Conference Calls", Joint work with Gus De Franco, Thomas Shohfi, and Zhiwei (Vivi) Zhu. Journal of Accounting and Economics (2023)
4) "CEO Pay Ratio Voluntary Disclosures and Stakeholder Reactions", Joint work with Lisa LaViers and Jason Sandvik. Review of Accounting Studies (2022)
(Please refer to Da's personal website for more details : www.da-xu.com. )