
CHEN Guoqing

Department of Management Science and Engineering    Tsinghua University Distinguished Professor of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Chair Professor

Phone:(86) (10) 62789925


Office:B413 Lihua Building

Educational Background

CHEN Guoqing received his Bachelor degree from Renmin University of China in 1982, and Master degree and PhD both from Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) in 1988 and 1992 respectively.


Work Experience

CHEN Guoqing currently is Tsinghua University Distinguished Professor of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, serves as Vice Chairman of Tsinghua University Research Council, and is Professor at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Tsinghua SEM).

Professor Chen now serves as Chair of Steering Panel for NSFC Grand Research Plan on big data; Chairman of China MOE's Educational Steering Committee for Management Science and Engineering; Member of China State Informationization Advisory Committee, and Member of China MOE's Working Group for New Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Professor Chen ever served as Vice President of International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA), founding President of China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS), and Co-chair for international business schools’ PIM network (Partnership in International Management). He served as Executive Associate Dean, Chairman of Research Council, and Chair Professor for quite a number of years at Tsinghua SEM. Professor Chen also serves/ed as Vice Chairman of China Information Economy Society, and of other nationwide academic societies, and was Principal Investigator for many research projects including NSFC Major Project, international cooperative projects and corporate IT consulting projects.



Professor Chen has taught such courses as 《Advances in Information Systems》,《Managing in the Age of Big Data》,《Management Information Systems》, 《Data, Models and Decisions》, etc. at Tsinghua.


Research Areas

Professor Chen's research interests include business intelligence and big data analytics, e-business and decision support, IT strategy and management, fuzzy logic, etc.



Selected Publications

Journal Articals

  • "Probing Digital Footprints and Reaching for Inherent Preferences: A Cause-Disentanglement Approach to Personalized Recommendations". Information Systems Research (ISR), forthcoming. (with C Wang, YS Shi, XH Guo)

  • "Dynamic Bayesian Network Based Product Recommendation Considering Consumer's Multi-Stage Shopping Journeys: A Marketing Funnel Perspective". Information Systems Research (ISR), 35(3), 2024, 1382-1402. (with Q Wei, Y Mu, XH Guo, WJ Jiang)

  • "When the Clock Strikes: A Multi-Method Investigation of On-the-Hour Effects in Online Learning". Information Systems Research (ISR), 35(2), 2024, 766-782. (with N Huang, LL Wang, YL Hong, LH Lin, XH Guo)

  • "A Warning Approach to Mitigating Bandwagon Bias in Online Ratings: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Investigations". Journal of Association Information Systems (JAIS), 24(4), 2023, 1132-1161. (with D Wu, XH Guo, YJ Wang)

  • "Voice-Based AI in Call Center Customer Service: A Natural Field Experiment". Production and Operations Management (POM), VOL. 32, No.4, 2023, 1002-1018. (with LL Wang, N Huang, YL Hong, LN Liu, XH Guo)

  • "机器学习与用户行为中的偏差问题:知偏识正的洞察",《管理世界》,2023,39(5): 145-159。(合作者:郭迅华、吴鼎、卫强)

  • "When Images Backfire: The Effect of Customer-Generated Images on Product Rating Dynamics". Information Systems Research (ISR), VOL.34, No.4, 2023, 1641–1663. (with Y Guan, Y Tan,Q Wei)

  • "面向大数据管理决策研究的全景式PAGE框架",《管理科学学报》,2023, 26(5): 4-22。(合作者:张维,任之光,管悦,卫强)

  • "First Things First? Order Effects in Online Product Recommender Systems". ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (ACM TOCHI), VOL. 30, NO. 1, 2023, 15:1-35. (with XH Guo, LL Wang, MY Zhang)

  • "Graph-Based Embedding Smoothing for Sequential Recommendation". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), VOL. 35, NO.1, 2023, 496-508. (with TY Zhu, LL Sun)

  • "Embedding Disentanglement in Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommendation". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), VOL. 35, NO.1, 2023, 431 - 442. (with TY Zhu, LL Sun)

  • "数智赋能:信息系统研究的新跃迁",《管理世界》,180-195,2022.1。(合作者:任明、卫强、郭迅华、易成)

  • "A Review Selection Method for Finding an Informative Subset from Online Reviews". INFORMS Journal on Computing (INFORMS JOC), V33, N1, 2021, 280-299. (with J Zhang, C Wang)

  • "'大数据-小数据'问题:以小见大的洞察",《管理世界》,262-272,2021.2。(合作者:张瑾,王聪,卫强,郭迅华)

  • "Calibration of Voting-Based Helpfulness Measurement for Online Reviews: An Iterative Bayesian Probability Approach". INFORMS Journal on Computing (INFORMS JOC), V33, N1, 2021, 246-261. (with XH Guo, C Wang, Q Wei, ZQ Zhang)

  • "Automatic Treatment Regimen Design". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE), VOL. 33, NO.11, 2021, 3494-3506. (with LL Sun, CR Liu, CH Guo, H Xiong, YM Xie)

  • "大数据环境下的决策范式转变与使能创新",《管理世界》,95-105,2020.2。(合作者:曾大军,卫强,张明月,郭迅华)

  • "Social Collaborative Mutual Learning for Item Recommendation". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (ACM TKDD), Vol.14, No.4, 2020, 43:1-19. (with TY Zhu, GN Liu)

  • "Assortment Size and Performance of Online Sellers: An Inverted U-Shaped Relationship". Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS), V20, N10, 2019, 1503-1530.(with YM He, XH Guo)

  • "Deep Learning Based Personalized Recommendation with Multi-View Information Integration". Decision Support Systems (DSS), 118, 2019, 58-69. (with Y Guan, Q Wei)

  • "Identifying Complements and Substitutes of Products: A Neural Network Framework Based on Product Embedding". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (ACM TKDD), 1303, 2019, 34: 1-29. (with MY Zhang, X Wei, XH Guo, Q Wei)

  • "大数据给我们带来了哪些改变?",《光明日报》,2019.7.13.

  • "管理决策情境下大数据驱动的研究和应用挑战—范式转变与研究方向",《管理科学学报》,2018.7. (合作者:吴刚、顾远东、陆本江、卫强)

  • "How 'Small' Reflects 'Large'- Representative Information Measurement and Extraction". Information Sciences (INS), V460-461, 2018, 519-540. (with C Wang, MY Zhang, Q Wei, BJ Ma)

  • "Modeling Buying Motives for Personalized Product Bundle Recommendation". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (ACM TKDD), V11, N3, 2017, 28:1-26. (with GN Liu, YJ Fu, H Xiong, C Chen)

  • "Extracting Representative Information on Intra-Organizational Blogging Platforms". MIS Quarterly (MISQ), V41, N4, 2017, 1105-1127. (with XH Guo, Q Wei, J Zhang, DD Qiao)

  • "Content and Structure Coverage: Extracting a Diverse Information Subset". INFORMS Journal on Computing (INFORMS JOC), 29:4, 2017, 660-675. (with BJ Ma, Q Wei, J Zhang, XH Guo)

  • "Providing Consistent Opinions from Online Reviews: A Heuristic Stepwise Optimization Approach". INFORMS Journal on Computing (INFORMS JOC), V28, N2, 2016, 236-250. (with ZQ Zhang, Q Wei, XH Guo)

  • "A Novel Bipartite Graph Based Competitiveness Degree Analysis from Query Logs". ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (ACM TKDD), V11, N2, 2016, 21:1-21:25. (with Q Wei, DD Qiao, J Zhang, XH Guo)

  • "Predicting the Incremental Benefits of Online Information Search for Heterogeneous Consumers". Decision Sciences (DSJ), V47, N5, 2016, 957-988. (with H Wang, XH Guo, MY Zhang, Q Wei)

  • "Corporate Blogging and Job Performance: The Effects of Work-related and Nonwork-related Participation". Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), 32:4, 2015, 285-314. (with BJ Lu, XH Guo, NL Luo)

  • "大数据驱动的管理与决策前沿课题",《管理世界》,2014.11。(合作者:徐宗本,冯芷艳,郭迅华,曾大军)

  • "A Behavioral Distance for Fuzzy-Transition Systems". IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE TFS), V21, N4, 2013, 735-747. (with YZ Cao, SX Sun, HQ Wang)

  • "未来信息化发展方向",《人民日报》,理论版,2013.1.9。

  • "大数据背景下商务管理研究若干前沿课题",《管理科学学报》,2013.1。(合作者:冯芷艳,郭迅华,曾大军,陈煜波)

  • "Business Intelligence and Analytics: research directions". ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (ACM TMIS), V3, N4, 2013, 17:1-10. (with EP Lim, HC Chen)

  • "Extracting Representative Information to Enhance Flexible Data Queries". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (IEEE TNN), V23, N6, 2012, 928-941. (with J Zhang, XH Tang)

  • "Building a Highly-Compact and Accurate Associative Classifier". Applied Intelligence, 34(1), 2011, 74-86. (with X Zhang, Q Wei)

  • "Bisimulations for Fuzzy Transition Systems". IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE TFS), V19, N3, 2011, 540-552. (with YZ Cao, EE Kerre)

  • "A Fuzzy Petri Nets Model for Computing with Words". IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE TFS), 18(3), 2010, 486-499. (with YZ Cao)

  • "Towards Controlling Virus Propagation in Information Systems with Point-to-Group Information Sharing". Decision Support Systems (DSS), 48, 2009, 57-68. (with H Yuan, H Xiong, JJ Wu)

  • "Intelligent-Commerce Research in China". IEEE Intelligent Systems, 23(6), 2008, 14-18. (with D Zeng, FY Wang, XL Zheng, Y Yuan, J Chen)

  • "Mining Pure Linguistic Associations from Numerical Data". International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR), 48, 2008, 4-22. (with V Novak, I Perfilieva, A Dvorak, Q Wei, P Yan)

  • "Retraction and Generalized Extension of Computing with Words". IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE TFS), V15, N6, 2007, 1238-1250. (with YZ Cao, MS Ying)

  • "A New Approach to Classification Based on Association Rule Mining". Decision Support Systems (DSS), 42, 2006, 674-689. (with HY Liu, L Yu, Q Wei, X Zhang)

  • "Equivalence and Transformation of Extended Algebraic Operators in Fuzzy Relational Databases". Fuzzy Sets and Systems (FSS), 157(12), 2006, 1581-1596. (with XH Tang)

  • "Internet Diffusion in Chinese Companies - The Overall Process and Perceived Patterns". Communications of the ACM (CACM), 48(4), 2005, 54-58.(with XH Guo)

  • "Fuzzy Association Rules and the Extended Algorithms". Information Sciences (INS), 147, 2002, 201-228.  (with Q Wei)

  • "Normalization Based on Fuzzy Functional Dependency in a Fuzzy Relational Data Model". Information Systems,V21, N3, 1996, 299-310. (with EE Kerre, J Vandenbulcke)

  • "A General Treatment of Data Redundancy in a Fuzzy Relational Data Model". Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), 43, 1992, 304-311. (with J Vandenbulcke, EE Kerre)


  • 《大数据管理决策---全景式PAGE框架与前沿研究》,科学出版社,2024。(合作者:李一军,曾大军,卫强 等)

  • 《商务智能原理与方法》(第3版),电子工业出版社,2023。(合作者:卫强,张瑾)

  • 《基于大数据的商务智能与模式创新研究》,科学出版社,2020。(合作者:叶强,刘红岩,徐心,卫强,易成,张自立 等)

  • 《管理信息系统---原理、方法与应用》(第三版),高等教育出版社,2019。(合作者:郭迅华,马宝君)

  • 《工商管理学科“十三五”发展战略与优先赞助领域研究报告》,科学出版社,2016。(合作者:冯芷艳,路江涌,刘军 等)

  • 《新兴电子商务---参与者行为》,清华大学出版社,2013。(合作者:王刊良,郭迅华,徐心,胡立斌,廖貅武 等)

  • 《新兴电子商务---深度模式分析与不确定性建模》,清华大学出版社,2013。(合作者:熊辉,曹永知,吴俊杰,袁华 等)

  • 《中国高等院校信息系统学科课程体系CIS2011》,清华大学出版社,2011。

  • 《中国企业管理---清华哈佛案例与教程》,清华大学出版社,2009。(含《教师手册》)(合作者:沃伦.麦克法兰)

  • 《IT战略与竞争优势》,高等教育出版社,2003。(合作者:沃伦.麦克法兰, 理查德.诺兰)

  • 《Fuzzy Logic in Data Modeling: Semantics, Constraints, and Database Design》, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1998.


  • "China Merchants Bank: Here Just For You". Harvard Business School, 2009 (HBS case# R9-307-081) (with FW McFarlan, M Chen, G Donovan, HY Zhu, B Yang)

  • "China Merchants Bank", Harvard Business School, 2007 (HBS case# 9-307-081) (with FW McFarlan, HY Zhu, B Yang)

  • "Digital China Holdings Limited: Managing the Transition from a Product-oriented towards a Service-oriented Company", Harvard Business School, 2007 (HBS case# 9-307-093). (with FW McFarlan, K Reimers, XH Guo)

  • "Information Technology at COSCO", Harvard Business School, 2005 (HBS case# 9-305-080). (with FW McFarlan, D Lane)

  • "Digital China Holdings Ltd.: ERP as a Platform for Building New Business Capabilities", Harvard Business School, 2002 (HBS case# 9-302-080). (with FW McFarlan, K Reimers)

  • "Shenzhen Stock Exchange", Harvard Business School, 2001 (HBS case# 9-302-070). (with FW McFarlan, D Kiron, IT Li)

  • "COSCO", Harvard Business School, 2001 (HBS case# 9-302-051). (with FW McFarlan, D Lane)

  • "Cisco China", Harvard Business School, 2001 (HBS case# 9-302-069). (with FW McFarlan, D Kiron)



Professor Chen was recipient of AIS Fellow by Association for Information Systems, of IFSA Fellow by International Fuzzy Systems Association, Award for Outstanding Achievements in Management by Fudan Foundation, of Chang-Jiang Scholars Professorship by China MOE, and of National Outstanding Young Scholars Funds by NSFC. He was granted Supervisor for National Top 100 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation.
