


Department of Marketing    Associate Professor

Phone:(86) (10)62788173

Office:B402 Lihua Building

Office Hours:Thur. 10:00-12:00

Educational Background

Professor Liu received her B.A. in English Literature from Peking University in 1995 and Ph.D. in mass communication from the University of Iowa in 2002.



Marketing Management, Advertising and Promotion Strategies, Integrated Practical Project (Marketing Focus), 21st Century Marketing, FinLab, Managerial Communication, Qualitative Approach to Market and Consumer Research.


Research Areas

New Consumption Culture, New Ordinary Consumption, Aesthetics-Oriented Consumption, Crisis Management, CSR.



Journal Papers (International)

Liu, X., Mi, B., Li, F., & Zou, D. (2019). Ritualized retail events and brand-centric employee culture. Qualitative Market Research, 22: 250-269.

Li, H. & Liu, X. (2010). Regulatory institutions and the Melamine scandal: A game theory perspective. Organization Development Journal, Vol. 28 (2): 29-39.  

Liu, X., Chang, Z. & Zhao, P. (2009). Is it simply a matter of managerial competency? Interpreting Chinese executives’ perceptions of crisis management. Public Relations Review, Vol. 35, pp. 232-239.  

Wang, G., Li, F. & Liu, X. (2008). The development of the retailing industry in China: 1981-2005. Journal of Marketing Channels, Vol. 15 (2/3).  

Liu, X. (2006). Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder: Multinational Corporations and Public Relations. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 25, pp. 447-470.  

Journal Papers (Domestic)

Liu, X., Xu, G., Jia, S., & Wang, X. (2019). Cultivating health habitus: The case of user education on WTAPP. Journal of Marketing Science, 15: 18-28.

Liu, X., Wang, X., & Li, F. (2019). New ordinary consumption: Consumption upgrading driven by aesthetics. Tsinghua Management Review, 11: 68-73.

Liu, X., & Wang, G. (2006). Crisis Management: Theoretical Approaches and Their Application. Accepted for publication in Studies in Science of Science.

Liu, X. (2006). An Issues Management Perspective to Corporate Social Responsiveness. Accepted for publication in China Industrial Economy.

Conference Papers (International)

Liu, X. & Chang, Z. (2006). “When abiding by the law costs more: Chinese top managers' view on crisis management,” paper presented at Beijing Forum 2006, Beijing, October 2006.

Liu, X. (2006). When a Fresh Repatriate Instructor Meets Her MBA Students, paper presented in the panel titled “Doing Academic Work in Asia in the Global Age” at the 2006 Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.  

Liu, X. (2004).Exploring Repatriate Junior Faculty's Use of Internal Resources in Teaching and Research, paper presented in the panel titled "Faculty Members with Overseas Ph. Ds at Homeland's Universities: Academic Opportunities and Challenges in Journalism and Communication" at CCC Joint Conference of Communication, Shanghai, China, January.  

Liu, X. (2010). Corporate Social Responsibility as a Legitimate Concern for Chinese Enterprises: An Analysis of Media Depictions, paper accepted for presentation at the 96th National Communication Association convention, San Francisco, U.S.A., Nov. 13-17.  

Books (Chinese)

Liu, X. (2020). A qualitative approach to management and marketing research. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.

Books (English)

Liu, X. (2021). New consumer culture in China: The flower market and new everyday consumption. London & New York: Routledge.

Liu, X. (2005). Multinational Corporation's Public Relations in Host Countries: An Interpretive Study of Public Relations Culture. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Academic.  

Working papers

A Discursive Approach to the Consequences of Organizational Crisis  

Enacted Ethics in Crisis Management: A China-Based Study
