Selected Journal Papers:
† indicates publications with a current or previous Ph.D. student coauthor
1. Chuang Wei†, Maggie Wenjing Liu (corresponding, co-first author with Chuang Wei), and Iris Hung (2025), "The Color Gradation Effect: How Boundlessness Shapes Brand Attribute Judgments," online publication at International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM).
2. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Junhui Huang†, Qichao Zhu†, and Xiaolong Zheng (2025), "Consumer Responses to Weakness Revelation of Human Brands: The Role of Authenticity," accepted at International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM).
3. Guilin Liu†, Maggie Wenjing Liu (equal first author), Qichao Zhu†(2025), "Hmm, the Effect of AI Conversational Fillers on Consumer Purchase Intentions," accepted at Marketing Letters.
4. Yuxiao Ye, Shenyang Jiang, Di Fan, Baofeng Huo, and Maggie Wenjing Liu (2023),"Rigidity in Crisis: The Impact of OHSAS 18001 Certification on Production Repurposing in COVID-19," accepted at Production and Operations Management.
5. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Chuang Wei†, Lu Yang†, and Hean Tat Keh (2022), "Feeling Lucky: How Framing the Target Product as a Free Gift Enhances Purchase Intention," International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), 39(2), 349-363.
6. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Qichao Zhu†, and Xian Wang† (2022), "Building Consumer Connection with New Brands through Rituals: The Role of Mindfulness," Marketing Letters, 33 (2), 237-250.
7. Hu Tian, Xiaolong Zheng, Kang Zhao, Maggie Wenjing Liu, Daniel Dajun Zeng (2022),“Inductive Representation Learning on Dynamic Stock Co-Movement Graphs for Stock Predictions, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(4), 1940-1957.
8. Bingsheng Liu, Wenwen Zhu, Yinghua Shen, Yuan Chen, Tao Wang, Fengwen Chen, Maggie Wenjing Liu, and Shihao Zhou (2022), “A Study about Return Policies in the Presence of Consumer Social Learning,”Production and Operations Management, 31 (6), 2571-2587.
9. Chuang Wei†, Maggie Wenjing Liu (co-first author with Chuang Wei), and Hean Tat Keh (2020), "The Road to Consumer Forgiveness is Paved with Money or Apology? The Roles of Empathy and Power in Service Recovery," Journal of Business Research, 118 (September), 321-334.
10. Rui Chen†, Maggie Wenjing Liu (co-first author with Rui Chen, corresponding), Yuhong Guan†, and Yuhuang Zheng (2020), "Female Responses to Genetically Modified Foods: Effects of the Menstrual Cycle and Food Risk Concerns," Journal of Business Research. 120 (November), 608-618.
11. Maggie Wenjing Liu (co-corresponding), Lijun Zhang, and Hean Tat Keh (2019), "Consumer Responses to High Service Attentiveness: A Cross-Cultural Examination," Journal of International Marketing, 27 (1), 56-73.
12. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Qichao Zhu†, and Yige Yuan† (2019), "The Role of the Face Itself in the Face Effect: Sensitivity, Expressiveness, and Anticipated Feedback in Individual Compliance," Frontiers in Psychology, 9 (2499), 1-9.
13. Xiaobing Xu†, Rong Chen, and Maggie Wenjing Liu (corresponding) (2017), "The Effects of Upper and Lowercase Wordmarks on Brand Perceptions," Marketing Letters, 28 (3), 449-460.
14. Maggie Wenjing Liu (corresponding) and Hean Tat Keh (2015), "Customer Delight and Outrage: Scale Development and Validation," Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 25 (6), 680-699.
15. Maggie Wenjing Liu (single author) (2014), "Utility Blindness: Why Do We Fall for Deals?" Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 13, 42-49.
16. Dilip Soman and Maggie Wenjing Liu (2011), "Debiasing or Rebiasing? Moderating the Illusion of Delayed Incentives," Journal of Economic Psychology, 32 (3), 307-316.
17. Hee-Kyung Ahn, Maggie Wenjing Liu (equal first author), and Dilip Soman (2009), "Memory Markers: How Consumers Recall Duration of Experiences," Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19 (3), 508-516.
Book Chapters:
18. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Dingsheng Fu†, Qichao Zhu†, and Xian Wang (2025), "I Have Abundant Time: The Impact of Consumption Rituals on Perceived Time Affluence and Brand Outcomes," forthcoming at Rituals, Consumption, and Marketing: A Research Companion,Eds. Cele Otnes and Tina Lowrey, Routledge.
19. Maggie Wenjing Liu, Qichao Zhu†, Yige Yuan† and Sihan Wu† (2023), "Applying Predictive Analytics in Interactive Marketing: How It Influences Customer Perception and Reaction?" The Palgrave Handbook of Interactive Marketing, Ed. Cheng Lu Wang, Palgrave Macmillan.
20. Maggie Wenjing Liu (2017), "Building Stronger Brands Will Boost China's Image," China Daily, 2017-06-21.
21. Rui Chen† and Maggie Wenjing Liu (corresponding) (2016), "Sex Drive and Consumer Decision-Making," International Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Eds. Cathrine Jansson-Boyd and Magdalena Zawisza, Taylor and Francis, 467-485.
22. Pankaj Aggarwal and Maggie Wenjing Liu (2012), "Mental Accounting in Consumer-brand Relationships," Consumer-Brand Relationships: Theory and Practice, Eds. Marc Fetscherin et al., Routledge, 115-133.
23. Maggie Wenjing Liu and Dilip Soman (2008), "Behavioral Pricing," Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Eds. Curtis P. Haugtvedt, Paul M. Herr, and Frank R. Kardes, Mahwah, NJ: Taylor and Francis, 659-682.