Management Science and Engineering


YI Cheng

Department of Management Science and Engineering    Associate Professor


Office:B425 Lihua Building

Office Hours:Tue. 14:00-16:00

Educational Background

2011  Doctor of Philosophy (Information Systems), School of Computing, National University of Singapore

2006  Bachelor of Computing (Major in Information Systems, Minor in Financial Mathematics), School of Computing, National University of Singapore


Work Experience

Jan 2017-Present  Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

Oct 2011-Dec 2016  Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University



Human-Computer Interaction

Information Resource Management

Enterprise Resource Planning

Research Methods in Management Information Systems (Experimental Methodology)


Research Areas

Electronic Commerce, Human-Computer Interaction, Consumer Behavior, Digital Learning



Journal Articles

Li, T.*, Liu, D., Xu, X., Yi, C.* “Interleaved Design for E-learning: Theory, Design, and Empirical Findings”, MIS Quarterly, forthcoming

Luo, C., Jiang, Z.*, Li, X., Yi, C.*, Tucker, C. "Choosing to Discover the Unknown: The Effects of Choice on User Attention to Online Video Advertising", Management Science, forthcoming

Zhang, J., Yi, C.*, Zhang, J. “Engaging Learners in Online Learning Without External Incentives: Evidence from a Field Experiment,” Information Systems Journal, forthcoming

Zhu, R. and Yi, C.* “Avatar Design in Metaverse: The Effect of Avatar-user Similarity in Procedural and Creative Tasks,” Internet Research, forthcoming

Yi, C., Jiang, Z., and Zhou, M. (2023) “Investigating the Effects of Product Popularity and Time Restriction: The Moderating Role of Consumers' Goal Specificity”, Production and Operations Management, 32 (9), 2723-2739

Yi, C., Zhu, R., and Wang, Q. (2022) “Exploring the Interplay Between Question-answering Systems and Communication with Instructors in Facilitating Learning”, Internet Research, 32 (7), 32-55

Yi, C., Jiang, Z., Li, X., and Lu, X. (2019) “Leveraging User-Generated Content for Product Promotion: the Effects of Firm-highlighted Reviews”, Information Systems Research, 30 (3), 711-725

Yi, C., Jiang, Z., and Benbasat, I. (2017) “Designing for Diagnosticity and Serendipity: An Investigation of Social Product-Search Mechanisms”, Information Systems Research, 28 (2), 413-429

Song, T., Yi, C., and Huang, J., (2017) “Whose Recommendations Do You Follow? An Investigation of Tie Strength, Shopping Stage, and Deal Scarcity”, Information & Management, 54 (8), 1072-1083

Tan, B., Yi, C.*, and Chan, H.C. (2015) “Deliberation without Attention: The Latent Benefits of Distracting Website Features for Online Purchase Decisions,” Information Systems Research, 26 (2), 437-455

Yi, C., Jiang, Z., and Benbasat, I. (2015) “Enticing and Engaging Consumers via Online Product Presentations: The Effects of Restricted Interaction Design,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 31 (4), 213-242

Chen, J., Hao, S., Yi, C. (2023) “Digital Transformation, Bankruptcy Risk and Enterprise Resilience”, Business and Management Journal, 8, 26-44 (in Chinese)

Li, M., Yi, C.* (2023) “Human-chatbot Interaction vs. Human-human Interaction: Effects of Service Agent Perception and Two-sided Arguments in Conversational Commerce,” Journal of Information Resources Management, 13(3),140-153 (in Chinese)

Chen, G., Ren, M., Wei, Q., Guo, X., Yi, C. (2022) “Data-Intelligence Empowerment: A New Leap of Information Systems Research,” Journal of Management World, 38 (1), 180-195 (in Chinese)

Yi, C., Ge, C., and Li, Q. (2021)“Investigating the Relationship between Online Multimedia Product Information and Product Return Behavior”, China Journal of Information systems, 24, 50-61 (In Chinese)

Yi, C., Zhou, M., (2017) "How User Control Affects the Effectiveness of Video Advertising?", Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2, 119-126 (In Chinese)

He, X., Hu, S., Yi, C., and Liu, X. (2015)“The Effects of Platform Service and Logistics Service on Online Store Owners' Confidence,” Chinese Journal of Management Science,6,83-90 (In Chinese)



· National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Excellent Young Scholar Grant, “E-commerce Human Computer Interaction”, 2021-2023

· School of Economics and Management Teaching Award (2023)

· Innovative Achievement Award of Chinese Information Economics Society (2023)

· Outstanding Reviewer, Emerald Literati Award Winner, Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics (2023)

· CNAIS Recommended Paper Award (2023)

· China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM) Best Paper Award (2023)

· The 8th Marketing Science and Innovation(MSI)Annual Conference Best Paper Award (2023)

· The 21st AIS Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction (SIGHCI) workshop Best Paper Award (2022)

· The 16th Annual Conference on Management in China Best Paper Award (2021)

· School of Economics and Management Excellent Class Advisor (2019)

· Excellent Achievement Award of Chinese Information Economics Society (2019)

· Excellent Thesis Advisor for Undergraduate (2019)

· Tsinghua University Excellent Class Advisor, Second Prize (2017)

· School of Economics and Management Excellent Class Advisor (2016)

· School of Economics and Management Excellent Employee (2015)

· The 17th Annual Conference on Management Science in China Best Paper Award (2015)

· The 16th Annual Conference on Management Science in China Best Paper Award (2014)


Other Information

Associate Editor: 

· MIS Quarterly

· Electronic Commerce Research

· Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
