Management Science and Engineering


GUO Xunhua

Department of Management Science and Engineering    Professor


Office:417 Lihua Building

Office Hours:Fri. 13:30-15:00

Educational Background

Dr. Guo received his B.S. degree in Management Information System and B.S. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University in 2000, and his Ph.D. degree in Management Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2005.


Work Experience

Dr. Guo has been a faculty member at Tsinghua University since he received his Ph.D. in 2005. He is currently a Professor of Information Systems at the School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. Dr. Guo is an Executive Board Member and Vice General-Secretary of China Association for Information Systems (CNAIS, the AIS China Chapter) and Executive Board Member of China Information Economics Society. He is on the editorial boards of several international journals, including Information Technology & People, Electronic Commerce Research, and Journal of Global Information Management.



IT and Organizations (graduate); Computer Systems and Computer Networks (undergraduate); Management Information Systems (undergraduate); Introduction to Research in Management Science and Engineering (undergraduate).


Research Areas

Dr. Guo's research takes behavioral and design science approaches to topics on management information systems, electronic commerce, social networks, and business intelligence.

English Journal Articles

  1. Li, X., Guo, X., and Chen, G. (2025). Integrating Direct and Indirect Views for Group Recommendation: An Inter- and Intra-View Contrastive Learning Method, Decision Support Systems : forthcoming.

  2. Wang, C., Shi, Y., Guo, X., and Chen, G. (2024). Probing Digital Footprints and Reaching for Inherent Preferences: A Cause-Disentanglement Approach to Personalized Recommendations, Information Systems Research : forthcoming.

  3. Wei, Q., Mu, Y., Guo, X., Jiang, W. and Chen, G. (2024). Dynamic Bayesian Network–Based Product Recommendation Considering Consumers' Multistage Shopping Journeys: A Marketing Funnel Perspective, Information Systems Research 35(3): 1382-1402.

  4. Reimers, K., and Guo, X. (2024). Reconciling the Conflicting Goals of Privacy Protection and Competition Policy Through Making Platform Use Data Saleable – an Institutional Perspective on Data Markets, Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics 3(3): 222-235.

  5. Huang, N., Wang, L., Hong, Y., Lin, L., Guo, X. and Chen, G. (2024). When the Clock Strikes: A Multi-Method Investigation of On-the-Hour Effects in Online Learning, Information Systems Research 35(2): 766-782.

  6. Li, X., Guo, X., and Chen, G. (2024). GMAT: A Graph Modeling Method for Group Preference Prediction, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 33(4): 475–493.

  7. Wang, Q., Lau, R. Y. K., Xie, H., Liu, H. and Guo, X. (2024). Social Executives' Emotions and Firm Value: An Empirical Study Enhanced by Cognitive Analytics, Journal of Business Research 175: 114575.

  8. Li, X., Li, Z., Wang, Q. and Guo, X. (2024). The Influences of Expressive and Instrumental Social Ties in Social Commerce: Integrating Dyadic Views from Buyers and Sellers, Information Technology & People 37(1): 251-284.

  9. Wu, D., Guo, X., Wang, Y. and Chen, G. (2023). A Warning Approach to Mitigating Bandwagon Bias in Online Ratings: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Investigations, Journal of the Association for Information Systems 24(4): 1132-1161.

  10. Wang, L., Huang, N., Hong, Y., Liu, L., Guo, X. and Chen, G. (2023). Voice-based AI in Call Center Customer Service: A Natural Field Experiment, Production and Operations Management 32(4): 1002-1018.

  11. Guo, X., Wang, L., Zhang, M. and Chen, G. (2023). First Things First? Order Effects in Online Product Recommender Systems, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 30(1): 15:1-35.

  12. Lu, B., Guo, X., Luo, N., Wang, X. and Chen, G. (2022). Intra-Organizational Social Media and Employee Idea Generation: Analysis based on the Spanning-Relevance Framework, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 31(6): 649–676.

  13. Guo, X., Wang, Y., Huang, L. and Li, J. (2022). Assimilation and Contrast: The Two-sided Anchoring Effects of Recommender Systems, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 31(4): 395–413.

  14. Guo, X., Chen, G., Wang, C., Wei, Q. and Zhang, Z. (2021). Calibration of Voting-based Helpfulness Measurement for Online Reviews: An Iterative Bayesian Probability Approach, INFORMS Journal on Computing 33(1): 246-261.

  15. Chen, Q., Li, J., Liu, J., Han, J., Shi, Y. and Guo, X. (2021). Borrower Learning Effects: Do Prior Experiences Promote Continuous Successes in Peer-to-Peer Lending?, Information Systems Frontiers 24(3): 963-986.

  16. Guo, X., Deng, H., Zhang, S. and Chen, G. (2020). Signals of Competence and Warmth on E-Commerce Platforms, Data and Information Management 4(2): 81–93.

  17. He, Y., Guo, X. and Chen, G. (2019). Assortment Size and Performance of Online Sellers: An Inverted U-Shaped Relationship, Journal of the Association for Information Systems 20(10): 1503–1530.

  18. Zhang, M., Wei, X., Guo, X., Chen, G. and Wei, Q. (2019). Identifying Complements and Substitutes of Products: A Neural Network Framework Based on Product Embedding, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 13(3): 1–29.

  19. Reimers, K., Guo, X. and Li, M. (2019). Beyond Markets, Hierarchies, and Hybrids: An Institutional Perspective on IT-Enabled Two-Sided Markets, Electronic Markets 29(2): 287–305.

  20. Yang, Y., Jansen, B. J., Yang, Y., Guo, X. and Zeng, D. D. (2019). Keyword Optimization in Sponsored Search Advertising: A Multilevel Computational Framework, IEEE Intelligent Systems 34(1): 32–42.

  21. Ye, Q., Luo, Y., Chen, G., Guo, X., Wei, Q. and Tan, S. (2019). Users Intention for Continuous Usage of Mobile News Apps: the Roles of Quality, Switching Costs, and Personalization, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 28(1): 91–109.

  22. Luo, N., Guo, X., Lu, B. and Chen, G. (2018). Can Non-Work-Related Social Media Use Benefit the Company? A Study on Corporate Blogging and Affective Organizational Commitment, Computers in Human Behavior 81: 84–92.

  23. Li, Q., Guo, X., Bai, X. and Xu, W. (2018). Investigating Microblogging Addiction Tendency Through the Lens of Uses and Gratifications Theory, Internet Research 28(5): 1228–1252.

  24. Guo, X., Wei, Q., Chen, G., Zhang, J. and Qiao, D. (2017). Extracting Representative Information on Intra-organizational Blogging Platforms, MIS Quarterly 41(4): 1105-1127.

  25. Ma, B., Wei, Q., Chen, G., Zhang, J. and Guo, X. (2017). Content and Structure Coverage: Extracting a Diverse Information Subset, INFORMS Journal on Computing 29(4): 660–675.

  26. Li, Q., Guo, X. and Bai, X. (2017). Weekdays or Weekends: Exploring the Impacts of Microblog Posting Patterns on Gratification and Addiction, Information & Management 54(5): 613-624.

  27. Wei, Q., Qiao, D., Zhang, J., Chen, G. and Guo, X. (2016). A Novel Bipartite Graph Based Competitiveness Degree Analysis from Query Logs, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 11(2): 21:1–21:25.

  28. Zhang, Z., Chen, G., Zhang, J., Guo, X. and Wei, Q. (2016). Providing Consistent Opinions from Online Reviews: A Heuristic Stepwise Optimization Approach, INFORMS Journal on Computing 28(2): 236–250.

  29. Wang, H., Guo, X., Zhang, M., Wei, Q. and Chen, G. (2016). Predicting the Incremental Benefits of Online Information Search for Heterogeneous Consumers, Decision Sciences 47(5): 957-988.

  30. Zhang, M., Guo, X. and Chen, G. (2016). Prediction Uncertainty in Collaborative Filtering: Enhancing Personalized Online Product Ranking, Decision Support Systems 83(1): 10-21.

  31. Lu, B., Guo, X., Luo, N. and Chen, G. (2015). Corporate Blogging and Job Performance: Effects of Work-related and Nonwork-related Participation, Journal of Management Information Systems 32(4): 285-314.

  32. Li, N., Guo, X., Chen, G., and Luo, N. (2015). Reading Behavior on Intra-organizational Blogging Systems: A Group-level Analysis through the Lens of Social Capital Theory, Information & Management 52(7): 870–881.

  33. Zhang, N., Meng, Q., Guo, X., Yin, C. and Luo, H. (2015). Key e-Government Issues in China: an Empirical Study Based on the Orientation-maturity Framework, Electronic Commerce Research 15(3): 407–425.

  34. Chen, G., Zhao, Y., Zhang, N., Wang, F. and Guo, X. (2015). Task-technology Fit in Workplaces: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Analysis in the Context of Mobile Government, International Journal of Mobile Communications 18(5): 455–477.

  35. Luo, N., Guo, X., Zhang, J., Chen, G. and Zhang, N. (2015). Understanding the Continued Use of Intra-organizational Blogs: An Adaptive Habituation Model, Computers in Human Behavior 50(9): 57–65.

  36. Guo, X., Reimers, K., Xie, B. and Li, M. (2014). Network Relations and Boundary Spanning: Understanding the Evolution of e-Ordering in the Chinese Drug Distribution Industry, Journal of Information Technology 29(3): 223-236.

  37. Reimers, K., Li, M., Xie, B. and Guo, X. (2014). How Do Industry-wide Information Infrastructures Emerge? A Life Cycle Approach, Information Systems Journal 24(5): 375-424.

  38. Reimers, K. and Guo, X. (2014). Supply Chain Resource Planning Systems: A Scenario of Future Enterprise Systems, Communications of the Association for Information Systems 34(9): 173–190.

  39. Reimers, K., Johnston, R. B., Guo, X., Klein, S., Xie, B. and Li, M. (2013). Novice-Based Data Collection Methods for the Study of IOIS: Practice Probes and Learning Communities, Electronic Markets 23(4): 285–293.

  40. Zhang, N., Guo, X. and Chen, G. (2011). Why Adoption and Use Behavior of IT/IS Cannot Last? – Two Studies in China, Information Systems Frontiers 13(3): 381–395.

  41. Guo, X. and Zhang, N. (2010). User Attitude Towards Mandatory Use of Information Systems: A Chinese Cultural Perspective, Journal of Global Information Management 18(4): 1–18.

  42. Zhang, N., Guo, X., Chen, G. and Chau, P. Y. K. (2009). Impact of Perceived Fit on e-Government User Evaluation: A Study with a Chinese Cultural Context, Journal of Global Information Management 17(1): 49–69.

  43. Reimers, K., Guo, X. and Chen, G. (2009). Do IT-Managers Learn How to Control Spending on New Information Technology? A Study of IT-Budget Growth in Chinese Companies, The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems 40(1): 20–37.

  44. Zhang, N., Guo, X. and Chen, G. (2008). IDT-TAM Integrated Model of IT Adoption, Tsinghua Science and Technology 133(3): 306–311.

  45. Chen, G., Ren, M., Yan, P. and Guo, X. (2007). Enriching the ER Schema Based on Discovered Association Rules from Large Databases, Information Sciences 177(7): 1558–1566.

  46. Chen, G., Wu, R. and Guo, X. (2007). Key Issues in Information Systems Management in China, Journal of Enterprise Information Management 20(2): 198–208.

  47. Guo, X. and Chen, G. (2005). Internet Diffusion in Chinese Companies, Communications of the ACM 48(4): 54–58.

Chinese Journal Articles

  1. 谢康, 肖静华, 王刊良, 杨汝岱, 郭迅华, 杨俊, 吴瑶, 陈斌开, 寇宗来, 李雪灵. 企业高质量数字化转型管理: 理论前沿[J], 管理学报, 2024, 21(1): 1-9.

  2. 郭迅华. 新AI浪潮下的新业务流程重组[J], 清华管理评论, 2024(1): 82-88.

  3. 郭迅华, 吴鼎, 卫强, 陈国青. 机器学习与用户行为中的偏差问题:知偏识正的洞察[J]. 管理世界, 2023, 39(5): 145-159.

  4. 陈国青, 任明, 卫强, 郭迅华, 易成. 数智赋能:信息系统研究的新跃迁[J], 管理世界, 2022, 38(1): 180–196.

  5. 陈国青, 张瑾, 王聪, 卫强, 郭迅华. “大数据—小数据”问题:以小见大的洞察[J]. 管理世界, 2021, 37(2): 203–213.

  6. 郭迅华, 徐梦琦, 陈国青, 李翔宇. 考虑协同效应的团队绩效预测方法研究——以篮球团队成员组合为例[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2020, 41(3): 565–573.

  7. 陈国青, 李纪琛, 邓泓舒语, 郭迅华. 游戏化竞争对在线学习用户行为的影响研究[J]. 管理科学学报, 2020, 23(2): 89–104.

  8. 陈国青, 曾大军, 卫强, 张明月, 郭迅华. 大数据环境下的决策范式转变与使能创新[J]. 管理世界, 2020, 36(02): 95–105.

  9. 何玉梅, 郭迅华, 陈国青. 基于轨迹和波动的新生网商成长模式及特征研究[J]. 中国管理科学, 2018, 26(4): 108–119.

  10. 郭迅华. 区块链的边界[J]. 清华管理评论, 2018(11): 42–47.

  11. 王萌, 郭迅华, 陈国青, 李志杰. 等. 在线关系对中小网商绩效影响的实证分析[J]. 中国管理科学, 2016, 24(10): 156–163

  12. 郭迅华. 企业大数据与大数据企业[J]. 清华管理评论, 2015(6): 22–28.

  13. 徐宗本, 冯芷艳, 郭迅华, 曾大军, 陈国青. 大数据驱动的管理与决策前沿课题[J]. 管理世界, 2014, (11): 158-163.

  14. 罗念龙, 郭迅华, 陈国青. 企业内部博客使用对员工沟通满意度的影响[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 54(07): 966–972.

  15. 罗念龙, 郭迅华, 陈国青, 陆本江. 社会网络应用与组织承诺:基于企业内部博客的研究[J]. 信息系统学报, 2014(14): 47–58.

  16. 谢滨, 刘帆, 邹曦, 李明志, 郭迅华, Kai Reimers. 基于竞争合作模型的医院电子商务采购平台建设[J]. 中华医院管理, 2014, 30(8): 626–628.

  17. 冯芷艳, 郭迅华, 曾大军, 陈煜波, 陈国青. 大数据背景下商务管理研究若干前沿课题[J]. 管理科学学报, 2013, 16(1): 1–18.

  18. 杨彦武, 郭迅华, 曾大军, 张杰, 秦蕊. 搜索竞价中关键字最优化策略[J]. 信息系统学报, 2013(12): 9–23.

  19. 罗念龙, 郭迅华, 陈国青. 企业内部博客的持续使用模式分析[J]. 信息资源管理学报, 2012, 1(2): 40–47.

  20. 李铧汶, 郭迅华. IT投资类型与企业盈利能力——中国上市公司的实证研究[J]. 信息系统学报, 2011(9): 13–20.

  21. 郭迅华, 张楠, 孟庆国. 结构化理论与信息系统采纳:电子政务环境下的案例研究[J]. 信息资源管理学报, 2011, 1(1): 78–85.

  22. 郭迅华, 张楠, 黄彦. 开源软件的采纳与应用:政府组织环境中的案例实证[J]. 管理科学学报, 2010, 13(11): 65–75.

  23. 张楠, 孟庆国, 郭迅华. 电子政务研究回顾1999-2009:基于SSCI文献的分析[J]. 公共管理评论, 2010, 9(1): 143–161.

  24. 谢滨, 林轶君, 郭迅华. 手机银行用户采纳的影响因素研究[J]. 南开管理评论, 2009, 12(3): 12–19.

  25. 张楠, 郭迅华, 陈国青. 行为建模角度信息技术采纳研究综述[J]. 科学管理研究, 2009, 27(4): 13–19.

  26. 张楠, 郭迅华, 陈国青. 信息技术初期接受扩展模型及其实证研究[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2007(9): 123–130.

  27. 郭迅华, 陈国青. 基于XML的通用关联规则挖掘应用模式[J]. 管理工程学报, 2005, 19(4): 53–59.

  28. 吴瑞鹏, 陈国青, 郭迅华. 中国企业信息化中的关键因素[J]. 南开管理评论, 2004, 7(3): 74–79.


  1. 陈国青, 郭迅华, 马宝君. (2019). 管理信息系统:原理、方法与应用(第3版), 北京: 高等教育出版社.

  2. Reimers, K., Guo, X., Li, M., Xie, B., and Zhang, T. (2014). Innovating in a Learning Community - Emergence of an Open Information Infrastructure in China’s Pharmaceutical Distribution Industry, Springer. (in English)

  3. Zhang, N. and Guo, X. (2014). Electronic Government Adoption in China: Multiple Research Perspectives in the Post-Informationization Age, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. (in English)

  4. 陈国青, 郭迅华, 马宝君. (2014). 管理信息系统:原理、方法与应用(第2版), 北京: 高等教育出版社.

  5. 陈国青, 王刊良, 郭迅华, 徐心, 胡立斌, 廖貅武. (2013). 新兴电子商务-参与者行为. 北京: 清华大学出版社.

  6. 毛基业, 郭迅华, 朱岩. (2011). 管理信息系统——基础、应用与方法, 北京: 清华大学出版社.

  7. 陈国青, 郭迅华. (2005). 信息系统管理, 北京: 中国人民大学出版社.

  8. 郭迅华. (2000). PowerSite与Sybase Internet技术详解, 北京:电子工业出版社.

  9. 郭迅华. (1999). Borland C++Builder 3应用程序开发学习教程, 北京:北京大学出版社.

  10. 郭迅华, 冯铁军, 冯锦锋, 肖勇波. (1999). 全面掌握Delphi 4, 北京:人民邮电出版社.

Teaching Cases

  1. 谢滨, 孙昊, 郭迅华, 李明志, Reimers, K. (2019). “中国药品信息化协同服务平台”,清华大学经济管理学院案例中心.

  2. 谢滨, 郭迅华, 李明志, Reimers, K., 吴鼎, 唐雁寒. (2017). “中国药品编码转换公共平台(B)”,清华大学经济管理学院案例中心.

  3. 谢滨, 李垚, 郭迅华, 李明志, Reimers, K. (2016). “九州通面向互联网的医药供应链”, 清华大学经济管理学院案例中心.

  4. 谢滨, 郭迅华, 李明志, Reimers, K. (2015). “中国药品编码转换公共平台”,清华大学经济管理学院案例中心.

  5. 谢滨, 盘仲莹, 张海莲, 李碧琳, Kai Reimers, 郭迅华, 李明志. (2015). “北京和睦家医院用药管理”, 清华大学经济管理学院案例中心.

  6. 谢滨, 刘光宇, 林丽慧, 郭迅华, 吕春燕, 李明志, Kai Reimers. (2013). “药房共管:北京公安局民警门诊部与CNP合作模式”, 清华大学经济管理学院案例中心.

  7. McFarlan, F.W.,Chen, G.,Reimers, K. and Guo, X. (2007). "Digital China Holdings Ltd.: Managing the Transition from a Product-Oriented Towards a Service-Oriented Company," HBS Case #9-307-093.
