Innovation Entrepreneurship and Strategy


GAO Xudong

Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy    Professor


Office:B209 Lihua Building

Office Hours:Mon. afternoon 14:30-17:00

Educational Background

1984-1988 B.E. in Industrial Management Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

1988-1991 M.A. in Industrial Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China

1997-2003 Ph.D. in Management, MIT Sloan School of Management, U.S.A.


Work Experience

1991-1996. Assistant Professor (from 1993), Institute of Industrial Economics, CASS

2003- 2005,Assistant Professor, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, SEM

2006-, Associate Professor, Vice-Chair, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship



Strategic Management, Managerial Thinking, Technology Strategy, High Tech Entrepreneurship


Research Areas

Competitive Strategy, Technology Strategy, Management of Technological Innovation



1. Gao,P.,Gao,X.,and Liu,G.(2020). Government-Controlled Enterprises in Standardization in the Catching-Up Context: Case of TD-SCDMA in China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.(forthcoming)

2. Gao, X. (2019). Approaching the technological innovation frontier: evidence from Chinese SOEs, Industry and Innovation, 26(1),100-120.

3. Lee, K., Gao, X., and Li, X. (2017). Industrial catch-up in China: a sectoral systems of innovation perspective. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 10(1), 59–76.

4. Gao, X. (2014). A latecomer's strategy to promote a technology standard: The case of Datang and TD-SCDMA. Research Policy,43(3), 597-607

5. Gao, X., Gerst, M., Sun, R. 2014. Understanding MNEs' decline in the adoption of locally developed technology standard in China: A positioning and cognitive perspective. Telecommunications Policy, 38, 878–889.

6. Gao, X. (2014). The Rules Have Changed: A Case Study of Chinese Government Support of Local Technologies. Research-Technology Management, January-February,11-14.

7. Gao, X. (2013). China’s technology policy change: How effective has it been? China: An International Journal, 11(3):24-47.

8. Gao, X., Liu, J. (2012). Catching up through the development of technology standard: The case of TD-SCDMA in China. Telecommunications Policy, 36(7): 531-545.

9. Gao X. (2011). Effective Strategies to Catch Up in the Era of Globalization: Experiences of Local Chinese Telecom Equipment Firms. Research Technology Management,Jan-Feb, 42-49.

10. Gao X., Yu, J., Li, M.(2010).Developing effective strategies to address complex challenges: evidence from local high-tech firms in China. International Journal of Technology Management, 51(2/3/4), 319-341.

11. Gao, X., Zhang, P., and Liu, X. (2007).Competing with MNEs: Developing Manufacturing Capabilities or Innovation Capabilities”, Journal of Technology Transfer. 32,87-107.

12. Gao, X., Wu, Y., Li, M. (2010)。Managing complexity in the process of transforming new start-ups into well established firms in the Chinese economy context。Int. J. Business and Systems Research, 4 (5/6), 577-595.

13. Gao,X., Liu, J. Chai, H., Li, J. (2007). Overcoming “latecomer disadvantages” in small and medium-sized firms: Evidence from China, Int. J. technology and Globalization, 3(3), 364-383.

14. Fan, P., Gao, X., Watanabe, K. N. (2007). Technology strategies of innovative Chinese domestic companies. Int. J. technology and Globalization, 3(4), 344-363.
