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Dec.13: Yi Wen from Federal Reserve Bank of ST.Louis: Understanding the Puzzling Effects of Technology Shocks


【Speaker】Yi Wen, Research Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of ST.Louis

【Topic】Understanding the Puzzling Effects of Technology Shocks

【Time】14:30-16:30, 2007-12-13, Thursday

【Venue】Room 501, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Economics

【Background Information】Yi Wen—Research Officer

Joined the bank staffonMay 31, 2005

Education:Ph.D. Economics, University of Iowa, 1996; M.A. Philosophy of Science, Notre Dame University, 1991; B.S. Medical Sciences, West China University of Medical Sciences, 1987

Previous Experience: Assistant Professor of Economics, Cornell University (July 1999 – May 2005), Assistant Professor of Economics, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (July 1996 - June 1999)

Concurrent Experience: Adjunct Professor of economics,WashingtonUniversityinSt. Louis(June 2005 - present).

Areas of Interest: Macroeconomic Theory, Applied Macroeconomics, Applied Time Series

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