The review team conducts a virtual visit.
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Peer Review Team (PRT) conducted a virtual visit at Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Tsinghua SEM) from October 31 to November 3. The three Peer Review Team members were Professor Kar Yan Tam, dean and chair professor at the School of Business and Management at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Professor Andrew K. Rose, dean of National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School, and Professor Paul Kofman, dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne. The team held in-depth online talks with the Vice President and the school's leaders and met with stakeholders, including faculty, staff, alumni, and Advisory Board members' representatives.

Professor YANG Bin, provost and vice president of Tsinghua University, speaks with peer review team members.
During the visit, Professor YANG Bin, provost and vice president of Tsinghua University, spoke with PRT members about topics such as the positioning of Tsinghua SEM, interdisciplinary development, construction of Tsinghua SEM's Shenzhen Campus, and university admissions.
PRT Chair Professor Kar Yan Tam concluded the virtual visit with praise for Tsinghua SEM's achievements and gave valuable suggestions for the school. Tsinghua is one of the most prestigious universities in China, he said in the conclusion. Supported by the university's comprehensive advantages, Tsinghua SEM has made impressive achievements that align with its mission and strategies during the last five years. It has a collegial environment, recognizes quality academic publications while simultaneously and equally recognizing the value of engaged and impactful intellectual contributions, maintains a support culture whereby inputs from all stakeholders are considered in addressing important issues, and is responsive and effective in coping with the frequent changes of policies.

Dean BAI Chong-En speaks with the team members.
During the feedback session, dean BAI Chong-En thanked the peer review team. He said AACSB accreditation has promoted the school's continuous improvement and development. Tsinghua SEM will spare no efforts to achieve its mission and become a world-class school of economics and management, he said.

Virtual visit to Tsinghua SEM
Founded in 1916, AACSB is one of the world's largest business education networks connecting students, academia, and business to advance business education worldwide. It is a nonprofit membership organization run by dedicated volunteers and staff, and it provides quality assurance of business school programs, business education intelligence, and learning and development services.
Tsinghua SEM attained AACSB Business Accreditation in April 2007 and maintained its accreditation in 2012 and 2017.