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TSEM and HEC Paris Celebrates Signing the Agreement on Dual Degree MBA Program


On the evening of November 11, 2005, during the 32nd Annual Conference of PIM in Prague, Tsinghua SEM and HEC Paris held a celebrative ceremony for the formal launch of their “Dual Degree MBA Program”. Professor Zhao, former Dean of Tsinghua SEM and Professor Bernard Ramanantsoa, Dean of HEC Paris delivered speeches on behalf of the two schools.

Within the framework of the Dual Degree MBA Program, registered MBA students from Tsinghua SEM and HEC Paris will have opportunities to study in their partner's school for one year. Upon graduation they will receive two degrees granted respectively by the two schools, based on the recognition of credits.

Since 2001, TSEM and HEC Paris have developed close ties in student and faculty exchange, executive education and a joint research program on the strategy of Chinese multinationals.