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Founder and Managing Director of DFJ DragonFund China Speaks at Tsinghua SEM


Tim Draper,Founder and Managing Director of DFJ DragonFund China, delivered a speech entitled Change the world at Tsinghua SEM on May 8, 2008. The speech was organized byChina Center for Entrepreneurial Research of Tsinghua University, Committee of First National Graduate Technology Business Plan Competition, MBA Student Association, and Students Finance Club. Dean of Tsinghua SEM Professor Qian Yingyi, Professor Gao Jian, Associate Professor Zhang Wei, and about 150 students attended the speech.Tim Draper talked about global problems and global solutions as well as global opportunities, challenges and DFJ’s challenges.

Before the speech, Dean Qian met with Tim Draper. The meeting was also attended by professor Gao Jian, and Associate professor Zhang Wei. The two side exchanged views on future possible strategic cooperation.