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2023 / 12

Tsinghua SEM announced a new executive education project called "Intelligent Manufacturing in China+", which is committed to cultivating talents for China's intelligent manufacturing fields to power new industrialization.

2023 / 12

Tsinghua SEM held a panel discussion with Microsoft themed "Accelerating Sustainability with Technology" on December 6, 2023.

2023 / 12

Manuela V. Ferro, vice president East Asia and Pacific at the World Bank, visited Tsinghua SEM and spoke about achieving sustainable development in an uncertain world and addressed the opportunities and challenges facing economic recovery in East Asia. 

2023 / 12

The International Monetary Fund's senior resident representative in China, Steven Alan Barnett, visited Tsinghua SEM on November 16, 2023, and delivered a keynote speech titled "China: Household Consumption & Saving."

2023 / 11

Following four hours of rigorous competition, a project titled "Magnetic-Guided Gallium-Based Liquid Alloy Robot - A New Hope for Precision Treatment of Brain Tumors" clinched the gold prize of the 13th Tsinghua University Innovation Contest and the 2023 Tsinghua University Creative Challenge. 

2023 / 11

LIN Zhijie, a tenured associate professor of Management Science and Engineering at Tsinghua SEM, was conferred the Sandy Slaughter Early Career Award by the Information Systems Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.

2023 / 11

Professor FENG Runhuan of the Department of Finance at Tsinghua SEM was invited to serve as the Co-Editor of the North American Actuarial Journal, becoming the first scholar from the Chinese mainland to take this position in the journal's history.

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