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2023 / 10

Tsinghua University held the inauguration ceremony for x-lab's new space at the Jianhua Building in Tsinghua University. The new space covers an area of over 3,000 square meters.

2023 / 09

Lily Bi, president and CEO of the AACSB (Association to Advance College Schools of Business), and XU Guodong, head of East Asia Region, visited Tsinghua SEM for a discussion with Dean BAI Chong-En on September 20, 2023.

2023 / 09

The 2023 Tsinghua University-Université de Genève (UNIGE)-National University of Singapore (NUS) Southeast Asia Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Innovation Bootcamp is an innovative challenge designed for students.

2023 / 09

The leading international journal of management, Academy of Management Review, presented its DECADE AWARD to Professor LI Ning, from the Department of Leadership and Organization Management of Tsinghua SEM, and co-authors Murray Barrick and Michael Mount for their article at the 2023 Annual Conference of the Academy of Management (AOM) held August 4 to 8, 2023. 

2023 / 09

A paper coauthored by Tsinghua SEM professors and alumni received the 2022 JOB Best Paper Award at the 2023 AOM Annual Conference. 

2023 / 09

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, fourth President of the Republic of Croatia and current member of the International Olympic Committee Executive Board, visited Tsinghua SEM. 

2023 / 09

The Masters in Management program at Tsinghua SEM secured 6th place globally among 100 institutions, as per the 2023 Masters in Management rankings released by the Financial Times on September 11.

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