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2024 / 06

【Speaker】Eric Zhao, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, University of Oxford【Topic】Optimal Distinctiveness: Theory and Applications【Time】Wednesday, June 12, 13:30-15:00【Venue】Room B227, Lihua Building【Language】English/Chinese【Organizer】Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universit

2024 / 06

【Speaker】HE Cheng, Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison【Topic】Beyond Proximity: Network Location Features and Store Performance in Retail Agglomeration【Time】Wednesday, June 12, 10:30-11:30【Venue】Room B456, Lihua Building【Language】English【Organizer】Department of Marketing and Department of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategy, School of Economics and Management, ...

2024 / 06

【Speaker】Raja Rajamannar, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer, Mastercard【Topic】Quantum Marketing: Mastering the New Marketing Mindset【Time】Tuesday, June 11, 19:30-20:30【Venue】Room A03, Jianhua Building【Language】English【Organizer】The Institute of Global Development, Tsinghua Universit

2024 / 06

【Speaker】QIAN Yiming, Professor, University of Connecticut【Topic】From Competitors to Partners: Banks' Venture Investments in Fintech【Time】Thursday, June 6, 14:00-15:30【Location】Room B331, Lihua Building【Language】English【Host】Department of Finance, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universit

2024 / 06

【Speaker】Rosy XU, Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong【Topic】Corporate Fake News: Determinants, Market Consequences, and Corporate Responses【Time】Thursday, June 6, 14:00-15:30【Venue】Room B356, Lihua Building【Language】English【Organizer】Department of Accounting, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universit

2024 / 06

【Speaker】ZHANG Yichong, Associate Professor, Singapore Management University【Topic】Adjustment with Many Regressors under Covariate-Adaptive Randomizations【Time】Thursday, June 6, 13:30-15:00【Location】Room B631, Lihua Building【Language】English【Host】Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua Universit

2024 / 06

【Speakers】BAI Chong-En, dean of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management; John Donahoe, President & CEO of NIKE【Event】Dialogue Between Dean BAI Chong-En and NIKE President & CEO John Donahoe【Time】Wednesday, June 5, 16:00-16:50【Venue】Room A509, Jianhua Building【Language】English【Organizers】Institute for Industrial Innovation and Finance, Tsinghua University and Institute...

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