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Lu Chunyan


Educational Background

1986 Bachelor of law, Peking University

1989 Master of law, Peking University


Work Experience

7/1989 – 9/1989 Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China.

9/1989 – 1/1993 Beijing Institute for Science of Sciences

1/1993 – present Associate professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University



Business Law, Foreign Business Law.


Research Areas

Intellectual Property Right in High and New Technology Enterprises, Industrialization of High and New Technology Enterprises, Regional Economics Research, Laws about Science and Technology, Law of corporation and contracts.



Study on the Impact of S&T Management Reform upon the Liberation of Productive Forces——by the integrated Study on Clinic Diagnosis and Remedy of Virus Hepatitis ( China Soft Science, No.209 May 2008 P52~56), University’s Technology Transfer Pattern in China Based on Strategic Goal of Innovation Country (R&D Management, Shanghai China, P63-70 Vol.19 No1.Feb. 2007 ), On the Effect of Research University in the National Independent Innovation System (Research On Education. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, No.10, 2005), Spatially non-stationary model and its application in industry-university R and D innovation (Systems Engineering——Theory and Practice, No.10, 2010, by WU Yuming, ZHOU Li, and LV Chunyan) and so on.
